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They continued this routine for the next two weeks, and Lena was finally starting to get into a new rhythm. She was learning to live her life without her sight, and she was becoming okay with it. She may have lost a lot the night Lex tried to kill her, but she gained a lot too. Everything she had gone through in her life up until this point, she had survived alone. Now she was doing it surrounded by friends, family, and people who loved her. In another two weeks she was awoken early in the morning.

"Lena." Kara whispered in her ear. "Hey, it's time to get up, we have to get back to the hospital."

"Okay." She sat up, and let Kara scoop her up into her arms, and into the wheelchair. Usually Kara would just carry her around, but people would question Kara carrying Lena around in the hospital. So, Alex was going to come pick them up, and for the first time in forever, Kara actually took the elevator in her building. This was not however the first time Lena was outside. Kara made a point to bring Lena out to enjoy the sunshine. She loved feeling the warmth on her face, and the grass in her hands.

Alex pulled up to the front of her building, and Kara set Lena up in the back seat, before joining Alex in the front. Watching them hook Lena up to all those tubes again, Kara remembered the last time. Suddenly she started to lose her breath, and started panicking. The world started spinning, and she looked to the floor. Even though her feet were still in the same spot, she felt like she was floating away. Lena could hear Kara's panicking, but it was Alex who ran to Kara's rescue.

"It's ok, it's ok. Remember Lena is Okay, and this is going to make her better. She's not dying, she isn't in danger, it's ok." Alex rubbed small circles on her back.

Lena did her best to stay strong but she hated that there wasn't really anything she could do to help her girlfriend. Eventually Kara pulled herself together, and let what Alex was telling her sink in. She walked over to her girlfriend, and saw how much distress she was in. "It's ok, Lena I'm okay." She stroked Lena's hair. "How ready are you to get that thing off your leg?"

"Very." She smiled, wiping any tears that were

"Glad to see you're keeping your spirits up Ms. Luthor." Dr. Singh walked in the room.

"Yes, I've been trying my best."

"Well, I have good news. Everything seems to be healing very well. And the apparatus on your left leg is ready to come off. Now, Once the apparatus is off, your leg will need to be in a cast for another 6 weeks before your final surgery for your left leg. Hopefully at that point we can also remove the apparatus on your right leg, it just still needs more time since it was so badly damaged. The good news is that the apparatus lets your right leg take some pressure with a walker or maybe even crutches, so you will be able to start moving around using your right leg, which they will help you with in physical therapy."

Lena truly smiled thinking about what it would mean to be able to walk again. Even if it was only a little. For the last 8 weeks she had largely been confined to a chair, but now she was able to move at least a little.

"Lena, that is such great news!"

"Yeah, I'm sure you're sick of pushing me around all day."

"Never!" Kara said with a smile as she tossed her hair back.

"Alright Lena, do you mind if I call you that? We are going to get you prepped and ready for surgery, but this is where you will have to say goodbye to Kara. This is the beginning of your recovery, where you and I are going to be working together a lot for the coming months." And with that they whisked her away, but it was good, they were making progress. Kara couldn't decide where to wait, should she wait in the waiting room, should she go flying around, should she go save some people? In the end Kara decided to fly, to just be in the air. She had no desire to save anyone, not now, she hated the idea of having people rely on her. This was the way she could figure out to wait out the time while Lena was in surgery.

To the ones we loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin