"I think somewhere over the urinal wall," he said, walking close behind him. We approached the steel urinal and looked up at the tank hung awkwardly above it. Sure enough, there was a little blinking red light that wouldn't have ever been seen if we weren't looking for it.

Tom reached up and pulled whatever it was down. We crowded his hand before he opened his palm, revealing a small square with a circular lens above the blinking red light. Looks like it was true after all.

"Good god," Tom muttered. He clicked his tongue and shook his head. Charlie, who was a good foot shorter than the rest of us, jumped up and down in front of the tank; presumably to see the top of it. He was so cute, I chuckled.

I came behind him and rested my arms on his head, looking over him on tiptoe. There was another camera there, further back against the wall. 

"There's another," I whispered close to his ear, making him jump a little. "Oops."

"Don't whisper so close to my ear," he said, turning to look at me. His face was completely red. He looked me in the eyes, and I could literally see his thoughts from his face. He was fiddling with hand signs, trying to say exactly what he'd just said to me that he thought I couldn't hear. He eventually sighed, settling for "good job."

"Over here," I said to Tom, reaching up and feeling for the other camera. Once I felt it in my hand, I picked it up and handed it over. The two little cameras clacked against each other, little red lights blinking.

"Can't believe the little perverted shit," Charlie muttered.

"Same," I agreed. 

Charlie nodded enthusiastically. "Like with this, he's gonna get thrown out for sure. There's no way Principal Atkinson has any le-" he paused and grabbed my shoulders, turning me to face him. He reached up and pulled my hair back, seeing the aid in my ear.

"You sneaky bugger," he grinned. "You've been hearing everything."

Smiling casually, I shrugged. "Maybe."

"Keeping secrets, I see."

"Actually, you just assumed."

We both broke out in a grin. Tom must've noticed our name since he said my name, making me turn to him. "Glad you had a change of heart, kid. I'm going to take these to the Dean, so you all head back to class now. You'll be called out for questions at some point in the day so be ready for it."

Tom exchanged a few words with Donny, but I didn't really care enough to take any notice. My attention was mostly on Charlie. At some point, I needed to ask him to come hang out with me after school. I wanted to spend some time with him so I needed to find the perfect, most casual opportunity to do it.

My phone vibrated from my pocket. Ikeisha texted me, asking where I was. The teacher had come out to let me back inside the classroom and freaked when she saw I was gone. This may or may not have made me smirk a little bit. Charlie briefly studied my reaction before glancing over to see what I was looking at.

Tom said a quick goodbye and left the bathroom, leaving us with Donny. Most of my focus was on Charlie while his hands clung to my arm while he peered over it.

"You got kicked out, too?" he asked in surprise while glancing at our text exchange. "What'd you do?"

"Same thing I thought you would," I answered. "Better go quick."

Either first break or lunch would be the best times to ask him. It just felt awkward to try and bring it up. Was there a way to do so naturally? Donovan started to leave the bathroom when Charlie suddenly let go and half turned to face him. "Don't forget about it," he said.

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