Keep Pushing Forward

Start from the beginning

Atleast some things don't change.

Namjoon came to a crouch beside to lounge her face just visible beneath the hair that had fallen to cover most of her face

Namjoon: noona!
He whisper yelled trying to wake her

Yoongi reached down and grabbed the half discarded jacket as Namjoon attempted a second time to wake her.

Y/N pov:

The bright light that had hung above you in the waiting room being the last thing you'd seen before you drifted off made for the key to the dream you were about to be woken from. The bright lights of the stage and the loud cheers coming from the crowd.

Before you could move to see the faces of the crowd you were being shaken lightly. Namjoon's face soon replacing the previous scene.

Namjoon: sorry, we can head back now
He apologised stepping back so you could sit up.

You stretched out your back, still somewhat dazed turning in your place to see Yoongi slouched in another seat staring at the ceiling your jacket gripped tightly in one of his hands, his knuckles a strained white colour.

Like lightning the realisation of why you were here and what had happen hit you.

Y/N: Joon, Yoonie what happened!
You asked desperately unaware of how the interview ended thanks to your fist and it's meeting with the tv.

Namjoon: was it that bad you couldn't watch?
He asked standing awkwardly to the side staring at the television

Y/N: mm I was watching, but uhmm. Lets just pretend I didn't break the tv
You forced a toothy smile awkward and taut

Yoongi let out a chuckle still looking at the ceiling
Yoongi: wish we had that option
He sighed

Y/N: he was an asshole! Why did he have to say that
You grumbled and went to say more but the look on Namjoon's face told you it'd be better to distract them instead.

Y/N: come on let's get out of here! The comfort of our small mosquito infested dorm is waiting for us and the rest of our loud family too.
You stood up urging for the two to follow your lead.

Namjoon scoffed shaking his head as Yoongi showed a hint at a tiny smile.

The ride back was silent and the entry way to the dorm mimicked it. Which was rather unusual for how loud the dorm usually is.

Poking your head in after setting your shoes in their space you noticed Jungkook and Taehyung sitting on the lounge together watching the television with the volume right down.

Y/N: Kookie? Tae?
You called as you walked towards them their heads whipping in your direction

Taehyung: oh noona you're home
He answered, but his usual boxy smile wasn't present as it usually is when you see him. Just as Jungkook's doe eyes lacked light.

Y/n: are you two okay?
You asked noticing the way Jungkook nibbled on his bottom lip, neither saying anything though you could feel it in the air

Jungkook: is Rapmon hyung and Yoongi hyung okay?
He asked when you had tried again to get them to tell you whats going on

You sighed sitting down on the single seat.

Yoongi and Namjoon ended up going for a walk instead of coming upstairs with you, you'd asked if they wanted you to come but they declined insisting you to go up and rest.

Y/N: I'm guessing you saw the interview?
Jungkook nodded

Taehyung: why did they say that?!
He shouted upset

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