Chapter 224 - 225

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🔘Chapter 224: Dropped Act

After consulting with their boss, the man quickly rallied his other team members and relayed the new plan.

The other three then nodded their heads in unison.

As they wait for their boss to arrive, Kiang Leilei opened her eyes slowly, she begun to regain her consciousness.

However, she was feeling a bit funny and weird down there.

Her private part was throbbing and it also felt warmth.

It was as if she had this strong desire to have sex, she was sluggishly becoming aroused.

'What is happening to me... Why do I suddenly have this urge feeling to f*ck?' Kiang Leilei tried her best to think logically, ignoring her tingling genital.

She then roamed her eyes around, much to her horror, she saw four masked men with their back facing her.

Instantly, adrenaline swamped her system, then she felt her heart was about to erupt from fear.

Her senses were telling her to run fast for safety, but her legs remained stationary.

She felt like her bones were all out of strength and her muscles have no more power.

That the only option left for her was to remain still as she prayed for heavens to send someone to help her.

'Yuvin...' Though afraid, she still hoped that the person who saved her many times before can save her once more.

Sadly, the thought of him coming to save her was an idea too far-fetched especially that Wang Yuvin was busy with the affair of their family's hotel Oriental Europa.

She then thought of her grandfather, she finally recalled that he would come to the 20th floor to pick her up and bring her home.


The sound of the elevator doors opening somehow giving Kiang Leilei a sense of relief.

'Please let it be grams or Yuvin or anyone but that rotten Yang Kim! Please!' Kiang Leilei's heart sincerely wished for help.

However, the moment she heard the voice of the person who was riding the elevator, her body trembled and her eyes watered.

"What are you guys standing there for? Start attacking me! We have to make it appear that I was trying to save her!"

Yang Kim yelled at his lackeys who seemed pleased that it was him who showed up.

But since he was growing impatient, cannot wait to lay his hands on the woman who rejected his feelings and shamed him in front of his enemy.

Yang Kim blindly attacked his lackeys, throwing kicks and punches at them. Some landed while mostly missed.

As the fake performance orchestrated by Yang Kim begun to roll, the fear Kiang Leilei felt suddenly turned into anger.

Since she already found out that Yang Kim was behind all of this, she was no longer terrified.

Her hands then balled into fists, so hard that her nails dug into her palm. Instantly, she no longer felt fear for hate already overwhelmed her body.

Now, her will to get away and flee to safety knocked all her other feelings aside, including the strong sexual desire that came along the grogginess brought by whatever chemical her capturers made her inhale.

Determined to save herself as well as effectively taking advantage of the situation, Kiang Leilei managed to pick herself up, however, her feet were in unbalanced state, leading her weights to the carpeted floor with each dragging step.

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