Chapter 162 - Better Safe than Sorry

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The breakfast Wang Reiji went lengths to prepare for, had ended successfully.

Wang Yuvin and Europa really liked the treats she baked for them. It was a wonderful morning indeed for the Wang family.

Sadly, this moment was cut short by Wang Reiji's prior commitments.

Yes, she was not CEO Wang today, but she was still Jing Yizhi, the newbie actress who was cast for Oriental Europa's tv commercial.

As Jing Yizhi she had two important agenda, gown fitting with Miss Teri in the morning and video shoot in the afternoon.

So, soon after they were done with their breakfast, Wang Reiji prepared for her morning schedule.

Initially, she wanted to bring her daughter along with her, but after she recalled the events in Lady Tong's boutique, she thought otherwise.

"This will be quick. I promise to be home for lunch, sweetie."

Wang Reiji gave her daughter a quick peck on her forehead before she took one last glance of herself in the mirror.

"Okay, Mama. I will be a good girl and wait for you. "

Europa's voice was barely audible, seemingly wanting to go with her mother.

"See you later then sweetie, I love you." Wang Reiji said as she put her arms around her daughter and kissed her forehead one more time.

"I love you too, Mama." The little girl hugged her mother back. "See you later."

Europa smiled sweetly, she now seemed to be okay of her mother going without her.

After saying farewell to her daughter, Wang Reiji walked out of the room.

As she walked along the corridor, she saw Wang Yuvin exit his room in cerulean blue long sleeves underneath a classy grey coat paired with grey slacks.

"Wow, are you going on a date with that beauty? Or are you already going to ask Chairman Kiang his granddaughter's hand for marriage?"

Wang Reiji paused on her track, leaned against the wall and placed her arms across her chest.

"It's our wedding day, actually." Wang Yuvin replied as he fixed the buttons of his coat.

"Congratulations! My gift for you two would be unlimited honeymoon! Infinite access to all our hotel suites across the globe. Go and multiply brother!"

"Looks like I will never win against you in teasing. Anyway, aren't you on a day off today?" Wang Yuvin's furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Day off as the CEO check, but not as the actress for the commercial shoot. I am going to the new couturier to fit and get the gowns I will be using for the shoot later.

How about you? Is this your first official day as one of the bosses of The Hideout?"

Wang Reiji then stood up straight and approached Wang Yuvin to fix his collar.

"Hmm, yeah. But I am just going there to see if they are done with the room renovations."

"Really? But why are you dressed up like you are about to attend a board meeting? Is that a requirement? Like sort of a dress code?"

"The other guys do not know my real identity. They do not have even the slightest idea that I am still a student except for the person who sold his shares to me."

"I see, by the way, who sold the shares to you?"

"Would you believe me if I told you that it was Chairman Xu of the Jicheng Zhe University who sold the shares to me?"

"For real? Hmmm, but is he someone reliable? Is he someone you can trust?"

"Well, I have no intentions of revealing my identity to anyone. It's just that when Rong gave me a school tour, we met Chairman Xu that day. He seemed a good man to me.

But it is always better to be safe than sorry so I asked The Hideout's manager for the man's background information which he will give to me later."

"So, he first met you as a university student? Then, he knows that you are Wang Yuvin. But bro, you cannot really trust the manager. Contact Hanzo. Ask for his assistance on running a background check on Chairman Xu."

"Good idea, sis. Through that, I can also determine whether the manager can be trusted and the information he provided me is authentic. Thank you!"

"Anytime, bro. I will support you all the way and my resources are your resources too. Just don't neglect your studies, okay? And if you find yourself in a tight spot, inform me right away."

Wang Reiji said as she gently squeezed Wang Yuvin's shoulders.

"Sure, sis. I will update you from time to time."

"That's fantastic! Shall we continue with our chitchat some other time? The two of us might already be late for our meetings." Wang Reiji then walked past Wang Yuvin.

But before she stepped down the staircase she spoke again.

"I will be home for lunch. I hope you will be too." Wang Reiji smiled at her brother before she finally descended the stairs.

CODENAME: PHOENIXOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora