Chapter 108 - The Result Was Not What He Hoped For

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Zhang Chenric cast his eyes on the road and started to focus on driving his way to meet with his assistant, Lee Qingya.

As what was promised, the result of the DNA testing was released today.

Originally, the plan was for Lee Qingya to bring the results to the condo unit, however, because of the hassle earlier, Zhang Chenric decided to change the meeting place to lighten up his mood.

He chose an upscale restaurant, The Solar Court, to treat his assistant with good food as a reward for his remarkable service.

The Solar Court was known for its sumptuous authentic Asian cuisine with a menu that costs 100USD for la carte menu and 1000USD for a set which included roasted pigeon, Almas Caviar, and oyster concesse.

The prices for the desserts and drinks were incredibly high as well.

Zhang Chenric was first to arrive at The Solar Court.

As soon as he stepped inside the fabled establishment, a waiter, dressed smartly in black and white, approached him and ushered him to the table reserved for him and his assistant.

"Just a glass of house wine, for now, thank you."

Zhang Chenric said to the waiter who returned with the menu.

Soon after he was left alone in the table, his eyes started roaming around the vicinity.

From his seat, he looked around the lavish interior decoration of the restaurant and then to the busy tables. His eyes then landed on a family and their children.

The children were noisy but the sound they produced did not annoy him.

Surprisingly, his mood gradually became better just by watching the children enjoy their meal.

The mother of the kids noticed Zhang Chenric gazing at them.

She then gave him a warm smile before proceeding to feed her kids again.

"Mama, why is he looking at us?"

One of the kids asked his mother right after chomping the food inside his mouth.

"I think he probably misses his family. Look, there's only him on the table." His older brother replied.

"Leave that man alone. Focus on eating your meal."

The father said as he put a spoonful of caviar inside his mouth.

Zhang Chenric had detected a trace of dislike in the patriarch's tone, so he decided to quit observing the family and to turn his attention to the restaurant door.

He then thought, 'Next time I'll bring them here with me. The three of us, regardless of the DNA test result.'

"Here's your wine, sir." The waiter returned with a bottle of wine in his hands.

As he poured the wine into Zhang Chenric's glass, he talked about the house wine.

"This is Frina Noir, sir. Frina Noir is a wine exclusively made for The Solar Court by the legendary winemakers Madame Suzy and Mio Blanco." The waiter finished his sentence with a smile.

Zhang Chenric remained silent and slightly nodded his head to inform the waiter that he was understood.

The waiter then lowered his head down and left the prosecutor alone for him to enjoy his drink.

After a few sips of wine and minutes of waiting, Lee Qingya had finally arrived at the restaurant.

He took some deep breaths first before setting foot inside The Solar Court.

The moment he walked past the entrance, a waiter approached him much to his dismay.

What could the problem be?

Since Lee Qinya entered the premises, Zhang Chenric had noticed the uneasiness on his assistant's face.

He didn't want to think negatively yet he can't stop thinking that the DNA test result was not what he hoped for it to be.

As he was approaching the table, his heart started racing faster that all he wanted to do was to run away from his master's wrath.

When he had reached the table, his body temperature dropped, tongue frozen, unable to speak.

"Let's have early lunch first. Hand me the results after."

Zhang Chenric calmly said without even looking at his assistant as he engaged himself in choosing a set course.

"Master! I do not deserve your kindness! I do not deserve the delicious food of The Solar Court!"

Lee Qingya cried as he knelt down in front of the Prosecutor.

"T-the hair... The hair sample was not the little girl's! It was her cat's!"

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