Chapter 153 - Reconnect

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"It was nice meeting both of you. See you guys again tomorrow."

The dinner meeting between the three people had already reached its conclusion and it was about time for Wang Reiji and Rentao to head back their homes.

"Nice meeting you too, Miss Teri. Thank you for your time. See you tomorrow!"

Wang Reiji replied with a bright smile on her face as she waved goodbye to the kind couturier.

"Have a good night sleep, Miss Teri. Thank you for doing business with Oriental Europa."

Rentao said as he lowered his head down and expressed his gratitude to Miss Teri.

"I should be the one thanking you guys. Thanks for this opportunity. By the way, please send my regards to Oriental Europa's big boss. I wished to meet with the CEO, but I guess the person is really busy due to the upcoming event."

Upon hearing Miss Teri's words, Rentao and Wang Reiji quickly exchanged glances at each other as guilt struck their hearts.

If only Miss Teri knew that she already met the CEO tonight and they even had dinner together.

And if that was still not enough, she had tomorrow for the gown fitting.

"You two better go now, it's a bit late already. You guys need to rest well, especially you Miss Jing. After the gown fitting in the morning, you still have to do a commercial shoot in the afternoon."

Miss Teri seemed to be genuinely concerned about the two people's well being.

"Thank you for your concern! Good night, Miss Teri!"

Wang Reiji said loudly as she stepped inside the rear side of the car as Rentao held open the door for her.

"Good night, Miss Teri."

Rentao smiled warmly before he went inside the car and sat behind the steering wheel.

Soon after he closed the door of the car, he put the keys into the ignition and started the engine.

As soon as the car had no longer within her sight's reach, Miss Teri walked back inside the lobby to head back to the hotel room she rented.


"I am perfectly fine! Why are you being a nuisance, Lee?!"

Zhang Chenric roared at his assistant as he slammed himself down the side of the bed and reached out for the side drawer.

After he pulled the drawer out, he took the last stick out from his cigarette pack before he stood up and rushed out the balcony of the room to lit up the cigarette stick.

However, before the flame of the lighter can reach the end of the stick, his assistant Lee Qingya, swiftly pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and put the object away from Zhang Chenric.

"You! Stop testing my patience, Lee. Can't you tell that I am in really a bad mood right now?"

Zhang Chenric gritted his teeth as he tried to snatch the cigarette from his assistant's grasp.

"Yes, master. I can see that your mood is awfully bad right now. I can also see that your face is awfully in bad shape too."

Despite Zhang Chenric's rudeness to him, Lee Qingya still managed to show genuine concern to his employer.

"Tell me the truth, Lee. Are Xing Yin and Wang Reiji the same person? Are you sure you got the correct information?"

"Yes, master! Aside from Miss Xing Yin, who would be much willing to buy that overpriced old villa?" Lee Qingya answered confidently.

"You saw the photos yourself, master. The resemblance between the two is remarkable. Also, the Wang Hotel and Casino just set foot in the business world some five or so years ago."

Lee Qingya added as he tried to remain calm and collected.

"Aist! I don't know what to believe in anymore!"

Zhang Chenric rubbed his temples as his head started to ache because of thinking about the matter too much.

"Don't worry master, I will gather more solid evidence to prove that Miss Xing Yin and CEO Wang Reiji are the same person. But for now, we must have your nose checked. Looks like the punch that was thrown at you carried a lot of force."

"Are you looking down on me? This can't even be called an injury. But if you will insist, I will have this check by tomorrow. Now, give me my cigarette back."

Zhang Chenric replied as he extended his right arm out with his hand wide open, waiting for his assistant to place the cigarette on his palm.

"Why wait until tomorrow, master? Let's have you check now. I'll get the car ready." Lee Qingya then hurriedly stormed out of the room.

"Okay, fine! Since you are so determined, you pay for the medical expenses with your salary!"

Zhang Chenric yelled but his message failed to reach Lee Qingya.


Gazing at the road ahead, Wang Reiji immediately realized that the route they were currently taking was not the way back home.

She then furrowed her eyebrows and asked Rentao a question.

"This is not the way to the villa. Where are we going Rentao?"

"Ah, boss... Didn't you say that after the meeting you will visit a hospital to have your knuckle checked by a specialist?"

Rentao replied as he threw a quick glance at Wang Reiji from the rearview mirror of the car.

"Alright. Let's get this done swiftly."

Wang Reiji lacked the strength to argue with her assistant anymore and just wanted to get things over so she can finally go home to take a good sleep while hugging her daughter tightly.

"Don't you worry, boss. I chose the nearest hospital to the villa for shorter travel time."

"Hmmm" Wang Reiji mumbled as her mind started to recall the name of the hospital near the villa's location.

"What hospital is this?" Wang Reiji's memory had failed to remember the hospital name.

"The hospital is actually well known in Beijing. In case you forgot boss the hospital name is Yang United Medical."

Wang Reiji's eyes became wide open as Rentao revealed the name of the hospital.

Yang United Medical was owned by the family of her best friend Yang Mei whom she lost communication with when she was imprisoned.

She tried to look secretly for her but she did not succeed.

At that moment, Wang Reiji felt both excited and giddy all at the same time.

However a sudden realization had hit her hard, she was no longer Xing Yin anymore. She was now Wang Reiji.

She cannot simply reconnect with selective parts of her past for it may just complicate things or make things worse.

For now, she must do her best succeed in her endeavors first before she re-establish a connection with the dear people from her past.

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