Chapter 152 - Exposure

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Reaching the floor where the room he was currently staying at was located, Zhang Chenric still had his nose covered with his two hands as he strode down the corridor.

He was still in awe of what had happened between him and the woman who punched him straight to the face.

As he continued to take steps towards his destination, he cannot help but think if he really mistook her for Xing Yin.

Did his assistant Lee Qingya get the wrong information?

But the resemblance between that woman and his beloved was so uncanny despite the difference in hair color.

The height and the voice sound were almost the same too! And did they not bump into each other at the condo he previously stayed at?

Wait, but the one he bumped into and kissed looked exactly like his Yin.

But the one he saw earlier looked slightly different. Perhaps, it was because of the hair color and the attitude?

As he dwelled deeper into contemplation, Zhang Chenric felt a part of his heart hurt more than his physical injury. He did not know what to believe anymore.

His heart was sure as hell that the woman with him inside the comfort room a while ago was his beloved.

But his mind was telling him otherwise.

"Damn it!" Zhang Chenric angrily slammed the room's door open right after he used the key card to unlock it.

As the door behind him closed, he immediately removed his bloodstained shirt off and went straight to the bathroom.

There, he checked his nose in front of the mirror. Luckily, the injury he sustained was not really something major.

He just needed to prevent the swelling for the blood had already ceased from gushing out.

He then went out of the bathroom to get some cubed ice from the fridge when his phone started ringing.

However, he did not pay much attention to it since he was pretty sure that it was only Lee Qingya calling him.

For now, he did not want to talk about what had happened to him earlier.

He just wanted some alone time with himself to think and come up with a new strategy to get close to the woman whom his heart truly believed was his beloved.


While Wang Reiji was busy pondering upon Zhang Chenric's somewhat confession, she failed to notice that the couturier whom they had a meeting dinner with was already inside the restaurant.

Fortunately, Rentao was already back from getting the first aid kit from the car when he saw Miss Teri standing in front of the entrance talking to one of the restaurant staff.

He slowly approached the couturier and politely greeted her.

"Good evening, Miss Teri. My name is Rentao. I was the one who set the dinner meeting with you."

Rentao introduced himself and extended a hand.

"Oh, hey! Good evening, sir. I am Miss Teri and I am excited to discuss business with your company."

Miss Teri quickly responded as she accepted Rentao's handshake.

"That sounds great, Miss Teri. This way, please."

Rentao then ushered the masked woman towards the location of table reserved for them.

As they moved closer to the table, Rentao saw Wang Reiji nursing her swollen knuckle.

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