Queen Consort of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus:

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"From who?" Byleth asked.

"Faerghus's royal family" Grandmother said.

Oh, the Prince and the King.

But why at night?

"What's with the secrecy surrounding this visit?" Byleth asked.

Grandmother smiled, "Inquisitive as ever Byleth" she hummed "The King is bringing company that it is best the word does not get spread about" she said.

How Grandmother phrased that made Byleth unsettled, "What kind of company?" she asked.

"His Majesties soon to be Queen Consort" Lady Rhea declared.

Byleth was stunned to say the least.

"Is that why His Majesty is coming?" Byleth asked "So that you will perform the marriage ceremony?" she added.

Grandmother nodded, "Indeed it is" she replied.

Byleth frowned, "But her Majesty died not long ago, isn't it too soon?" she asked.

Grandmother's brows furrowed, "That's insensitive dear" she said sternly "Everyone heals at different paces, and as King he is expected to have a Queen" she added.

That is true she supposed.

But could two years really have been long enough for them to heal?

As if Grandmother knew what she was thinking she began to speak, "Loss leaves a void in people my dear" she said "Imagine the heartache and loneliness that both his Majesty and his Highness feel" Grandmother said softly "His Majesty needs a wife and His Highness needs a Mother, it's time for them to move past the pain" she concluded.

Byleth nodded, "I see" she murmured "Will they be leaving immediately after the ceremony?" she asked.

Rhea shook her head, "No they will be here for maybe a week" she said.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, "How are we going to keep the Queen consort hidden then during that duration of time?" she asked.

"Well she'll have to remain on the third floor so that she won't be seen" Rhea said "Although as long as she isn't in the company of His Majesty it should be fine for her to roam the grounds" she added.

That sounded restrictive to say the least.

"If she is to be the new Queen why aren't they open about it?" Byleth asked and narrowed her eyes at Grandmother.

"The last Queen was loved tremendously by her people" Grandmother said "And she was of Faerghus nobility" she added.

Byleth tilted her head in confusion, "And the new Queen isn't?" she asked.

Grandmother shook her head, "No, dear" she said "The new Queen is of nobility from the Adrestrian Empire".

That didn't make sense...

There weren't many opportunities for a noble from the Adrestrian Empire to meet a noble from the Kingdom, but... the King, nonetheless? That was irregular.

"I see" Byleth murmured "Do I need to be present for the ceremony?" she asked.

Grandmother quirked an eyebrow at her, "Oh? Is this getting in the way of your wandering hour?".


She should have kept her mouth shut.

"I don't recall" Byleth hummed and swayed back and forth on her heels.

Grandmother sighed, "You've become quite the handful child, I don't think I recall Sitri ever sneaking out in the middle of the night" she murmured.

Byleth stopped her swaying, "Maybe she was better at it then I?" she mused.

Grandmother shook her head "Perhaps" she said "Anyway that is all dear, you are free to go" she added.

Byleth nodded and left from the audience room.

Well... It seemed the Cathedral was booked for the night.


It was dark outside when Grandmother came to Byleth's room in the middle of the night and dragged her to the entrance gate of Garreg Mach.

She had been used to staying up late, her duties often required that, so it was normal. But... This was late, she could feel the exhaustion through her little body.

Byleth was standing beside Grandmother for a couple of minutes before she realized that Grandmother had been conversing with her.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Byleth asked and shook her head to attempt to case the drowsiness away.

It was to no avail.

Grandmother chuckled softly.

Byleth couldn't tell if she was smiling or not, the lantern she had was too close to the ground. It illuminated only a small part of her face before the darkness swallowed it.

"Once the ceremony is done you may rest dear" Grandmother said "I'll tell the nuns to leave you undisturbed in the morning as well".

Sothis was gracious indeed.

It wasn't long before Byleth heard the sound of a horse drawn carriage approaching the gates of the monastery.

And then the King was standing before them, with a drowsy Prince, and a petite brunette woman adorned in Imperial silk.

"Your Grace" King Lambert said with a bow "I would like to introduce my bride to be" he said.

Grandmother cut in, "there is no need, I remember Lady Anselma from her year at the academy".

"Lady Patricia" the woman said.

Grandmother nodded, "Of course, it makes sense to change your name in the Kingdom" she said.

The King smiled, "Indeed" he said then turned to Byleth "Lady Byleth, this is a late hour to be up, is this on my behalf?" he asked.

Byleth stared at him for a moment and blinked slowly, it took longer than she would like to admit for her to register that she had been asked a question.

"Oh, sorry" Byleth began "Yes" she concluded.

The King nodded, "Well in that case I appreciate the gesture" he said "Dimitri is having a hard time staying awake as well, isn't that right Son?" he said with a hearty laugh.

"I am not!" the Prince huffed.

"You are so" The King said "Dimitri dozed off countless times, you seem to be holding off better than Lady Byleth" he said "I take this isn't your first time being awake at such an hour?" he asked.


He didn't need to remind Grandmother.

Lady Rhea chuckled softly, "Indeed" she said and placed a hand on Byleth's shoulder "Byleth has picked up the habit of wandering through the monastery at late hours" she confirmed.

And Grandmother didn't need to tell them that either.

"Anyways, follow me and we may begin the ceremony" Grandmother said then turned and began leading the way to the Cathedral.

But there was something bothering her.

Why did the Queen's former name sound so familiar?

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