X- Holding Back

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Chapter ten- Holding Back

"Stay still, Gyeol-a! You go out of way to fight with other kids, but you whimper like a child when you're getting treated!"

Prince Yeon shoved Lord Han-gyeol by the shoulder when he refused to stay still. They were inside one of the rooms right now, treating the bruises and wounds the young lord had gotten from the fight earlier.

Apparently, Lord Si-ho landed the first blow, which was more believable, in Lord Yeon's opinion, because he knew that Jang Han-gyeol would never result to violence unless provoked.

"Why are you reprimanding me like that? Are you my mother?" Lord Han-gyeol asked with no emotion other than irritation across his face.

Ji-woon and Eun-jung stood by the door and observed the two boys, thinking if they should intervene. Lord Yeon reached for Lord Han-gyeol's ear and twisted it, making the young man yelp. Eun-jung finally stepped forward and tried to put a stop to their bickering.

"You know what, give me that, Lord Yeon, I'll treat his wounds." Eun-jung offered, reaching for the cloth in Prince Yeon's hands.

Prince Yeon stared at Eun-jung, and then back at Lord Han-gyeol, and then back at Eun-jung, and then just alternating between the two of them.

He narrowed his eyes and raised the hand he held the cloth with, so that Eun-jung will not be able to reach it.

"No, he's my friend I'll do it." He refused stubbornly.

"Just give it!" Eun-jung exclaimed, jumping up to reach for the cloth.

Prince Yeon held his hand up even higher, laughing as if he thoroughly enjoyed making fun of the young woman.

"Ya! Can you two just stop fooling around and clean my wounds??" Lord Han-gyeol exclaimed in irritation. However, it seemed like he was talking to air, because the two children in front of him paid him no attention.

Ji-woon just leaned against the door, watching in amusement, when the door suddenly opened and Chul entered, making eye contact with her.

She quickly avoided his gaze and walked up to the trio. Since she was only a little bit shorter than Prince Yeon, Ji-woon quickly grabbed the cloth from his hands.

"What are you, children? Step aside, I'll dress his wounds." The older girl stated.

Prince Yeon grimaced at her and stepped back, Eun-jung mirroring his reaction.

"Oh, Chul, you're here!" Prince Yeon greeted. Chul bowed at him, then proceeded to take a seat at the corner of the room.

Eun-jung soon approached Ji-woon to help  with the bandages. Prince Yeon sat down next to Chul and observed them, when he realized that he couldn't help but look back and forth at Han-gyeol and Eun-jung.

He shook his head, he was just seeing things.

He shifted his gaze and looked at Chul instead, only to find him stealing a quick glance at the trio as well.

Prince Yeon smiled to himself as he stared around the room, he was glad to have made a few acquaintances while he stayed here.

However, his smile faded all of a sudden when he remembered that he had to go back to the palace in less than three days. He had to prepare for his return, for he knew that he had to watch his back at all times when he is at the palace.

The five of them turned to the door when they heard a knock echo through the room A-yeong, the young courtesan-in-training, entered. She bowed down in front of the young lords before turning to Eun-jung.

"Eun-jung eonni, Madam Park is calling for you."


"I trust that the conflict between the young lords has been resolved?" Madam Park asked with a brow raised.

Eun-jung nodded, as Madam Park eyed her movements studiously.

The young girl gulped and fidgeted in her seat as she stared back at the older woman. Madam Park held a dignified aura around her, despite her profession. She is an undeniably beautiful woman, who led the pleasure house with a strong spirit.

"This must not happen again, you know what dangers we will face once the powerful fathers of those young men find out that their sons have been causing trouble in a pleasure house. These are difficult times. One wrong move and you can end up on the streets, or worse, dead." Madam Park warned with a sigh.

Eun-jung looked at her and nodded; this kind of incident was something that they had to face everyday, and all that they can do for now was endure it.

"Also, Eun-jung, regarding the palace performance.." Madam Park started. She looked around her in order to ensure that no one was eavesdropping from outside.

"Yes?" The young girl asked with curiosity.

"I would like you to represent the pleasure house as the first courtesan."


Prince Yeon noticed the change in Eun-jung's mood after her meeting with the head courtesan. They started working on the portrait once more after Lord Han-gyeol's situation had been taken care of.  The young prince observed that Eun-jung looked a bit nervous, which was a drastic difference from her usual confident and defiant nature.

She tried hard to sit still and keep her chin down, but she was too restless to focus.

Prince Yeon pushed the portrait aside, and took a new piece of paper. Eun-jung didn't even notice, and just continued to stare into space.

The young man smiled mischievously  to himself as he stared at his work. Slowly, he crept up to Eun-jung, and-


Eun-jung looked up in surprise when Prince Yeon suddenly jumped up in front of her, roaring with a drawing of a dragon covering his face.

He slowly revealed his face from behind the mask with a giant toothy grin. Eun-jung started laughing out loud, and he was glad that his plan worked out.

"So, are you ready to say whatever's on your mind?" He asked, smiling.

She tried to stop herself from saying anything, but she sighed and looked up at him.

"I guess I'm just nervous, I'm going to stand front and center at the parade to the royal palace, since we're going to perform there in a week's time." She explained. The young girl looked down at her lap. She was holding herself back from opening up to the young Lord. She knew that she must learn never to lower her guard around him, but seeing his seemingly-genuine face, she was finding it to be quite difficult. 

Prince Yeon looked at her in confusion after hearing what she said, since he had no idea what was going on with the preparations in the palace, but it finally dawned on him.

"T-the palace?" He asked nervously.

His breathing hitched a bit, and he tried his best to hide his shock from her, but he couldn't help but panic when he realized..

"I was the one chosen to perform the fan dance for the royal family!" She said, with excitement now starting to gradually grow in her tone.

Prince Yeon mentally slapped his forehead with his palm.

For the royal family.

For his family.


A/N: double update today because I have time!!!!

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