She looked away as she felt like she was intruding on the couple's privacy.

Azealah looked at Meredith after Azron finished wiping her mouth,

"I thought you liked melons and waterfalls?" Azealah asked innocent unaware of the dirty meaning behind her question.

Azron smiled lovingly at his innocent mate's question as he wished he could pull her on his lap because he knew she'll be embarrassed about it in front of Meredith.

Meredith smiled at Azealah as she spoke, "I do but I also like guys."

Azealah looked at Meredith with a confused look, "You like both?"

"Yes, I do." Confirmed Meredith's

Azealah looked at Azron and then Meredith. She knows that Meredith would never do anything with Azron but she couldn't help but feel protective over him. She didn't even know what to do.

Azron saw the conflicted look on his mate's face and immediately knew what was wrong. He placed a reassuring hand on hers and she immediately lit up like a Christmas tree as she realized Azron would also never do anything to hurt her.

"Why did you say you only like melons and waterfalls then?" Asked Azealah as her idea of liking girls is called melons and waterfalls.

Meredith sighed as she spoke, "Demons here are very horney ... you probably don't know what that means but it means-"

"I know what that means!" Azealah told Meredith excitedly. "Azron feels like this all the time towards me!" Her smile never flattered as she continued to speak.

Meredith gave her a bewildered look and concluded that the Angel definitely doesn't know what that means.

"I bet he does." Teased Meredith and Azron just rolled his eyes and brought his mate's hand towards his lips to kiss it.

Azealah giggled and nodded her head completely oblivious to what's going on or what that word actually meant.

"Anyways, as I was saying before, men here are very horney and want to take advantage of the very little number of female warriors Hell has so instead of dealing with them, I told them I was completely into girls when I reality I like both just as much. Sometimes I don't know how I can control myself around some guys. Like I just wanted to jump on their di-"

"Alright enough." Azron quickly cut her off as he didn't want his innocent queen to hear such foul language... from anyone that wasn't him.

Meredith laughed at Azron as she knew he would do that.

"You're so smart!" Giggled Azealah. "Instead of dealing with them you just lied... which is a sin but you had a very good reason behind it!" She looked at Meredith as if she just solved the most complicated situation in all the universes.

"Yeah, I am. You should try it with Azron when you don't want to deal with him." Meredith started her sentence proud before turned into a playful not knowing Azealah would believe her.

"Okay." Azealah said nodding her head in complete seriousness.

"No!" Azron barked out at Meredith while completely losing control and pulled his mate in his lap as he tried hiding her from Meredith.

Azealah giggled at her mate's silliness and placed her hands on his chest while rubbing it.

Meredith watched as Azron completely calmed down and looked down as his mate while basically having heart eyes.

Azealah turned towards Meredith while still being in her mate's lap while he was still watching her like she was the key to his happiness, which she was.

"Where Lucifer now?" Asked Azealah and noticed how tense Meredith got when she heard his name.

"Stuck on his chair. You're safe." Azron said while looking down at his mate only moving his eyes to Meredith when he said: "you're."

Meredith nodded not caring what the story behind this is as long as he was away from her.

"I have an idea." Spoke Azealah.

Both Demons directed their attention to the Angel.

"We should all go somewhere and hide while Lucifer is still away. Being away from his mate will drive him crazy and regret his doings and eventually begs for her back." Azealah spoke.

Azron and Meredith thought of her idea for a second. It did make a lot of sense and there's a huge possibility it'll work. Plus they only need to be away for three days. This should be more than enough time to make Lucifer go absolutely crazy and regretful.

"Where would we go though?" There isn't a place they can hide in without the king of Hell knowing.

Azron thought for a second before deciding. They definitely can't stay here or travel to a different universe as that's way too predictable. But... there is only one place where Lucifer would never think about Azron returning to. Especially after what Azron has done.

Azron finally decided to speak and inform the awaiting girls.



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Questions of the chapter:

1-Who wants me to add Azron's single friends (if he has any) for them to have? ;)

2- Do you like Azron or Azealah more?

3-Put something you want Azron's demons to say to Azealah. I will add your comments to a chapter that's specifically for Azealah and Azron's demons!!

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