5 : Mystries

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Viv's POV :

You have a reason for your existence. You don't realise it now. Your name is famous in that world. He needs you to come back to us. We have something which is not finished. We need him to accomplish it. You are the only one who can get him to us.

The black man's words went ringing in my head as I moved from the court to the lawn. Where was my name famous and who was it that had to get back somewhere for something unfinished. I loved solving puzzles of the level amature not of the expert levels. This one seemed one of those. No clue, no hint. I had to figure it out with out anything. I stood at a place and looked around, I could find people loafing about the campus. Couldn't the Black man find anyone other than me. There were so many here. Damein was right. I was an open door for problems. I sighed and looked aside to get bumped by Chris. She came running and I had not seen that. We both fell on the lawn and I felt the pain on landing, while she burst into laughter.

"Insane!" I threw a small pebble next to me at her.

"Why did you run as though stray dogs were behind you?" My face went mild red.

"I can't believe what just happened. I went to the library for a change and.." I cut her through.

"What you had been to the library? Do you even realise its not good for your health?" I mocked at her.

"Not funny. Don't try to act smart, girl, it doesn't suit you." She raised her brow. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Come along with me. I need to show you something. Well, I ran only to pull you and go and not because of any stray dogs." She got up and dusted her butt and pulled me up. We headed to the library. She had to show something on the notice board which she had found hilariouis. The entire way she came hopping while I was caught with a lot of questions. 

"Look at that poster" she pointed at a yellow poster that had a cartoon image of Professor Arthur who taught chemistry. The entire school mostly did not like him. While I stared at the poster, I felt I saw something, someone rather. I turned back to see an empty brown wall. I turned back to see the Black Man's reflection. He appeared and disappeared again in a split of a second. I felt weak and my knees started to tremble. This was something that bothered me alot now. 

"I am feeling sick, I will get back home. Ciao Chris." I moved from the notice board.

"Wait. How will you go, I will drop you home. Wait for half an hour, I have one small work pending, I will finish it and let's move." I said an okay and chose to move inside the library.

I went inside and chose the last table and sat there resting my head on the table. There were students who came in and went. After a while , I felt the temperature with in the library go low. It started getting colder. I felt, I was going feverish and hence felt the cold. I pulled in my sling bag closer and slept. I did not hear any sounds in the library. though it is said to be maintained silent, a little hustle always preaviled in library, but for strange reasons I felt a graveyard silence inside. I lift my head up to see the entire room filled with an odd dark green light. It did not seem like library. I felt I was else where. I looked around to find nothing. It no more was the library I had entered few minutes back.

I was gasping when a screach caught my ears. A woman's yell made me shut my ears and move from where I was standing. The place did not seem familiar. I could not recognise the objects that were littered around. I kept moving forward, as i stepped I could feel dry leaf like things beneath my foot, I then realised that I was walking bare foot. I looked down to find nothing. I kep moving ahead when I hit something down, it was hot. I bent down with pain and tried catching the object. I lifted it up and I could make out, it was a broken lalten. It was still hot, that meant some one had dropped it juist a while back. I was not alone in this spooky place. As I held it in hand, it started glowing gradualy, I felt a choke within. A broken lalten all of a sudden glowing, what kind of a magic was this. I used it to look around. 

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