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Filip ran through the dense woods gasping for breath. His surroundings were dark and he could hardly see a thing. Behind the boy, there were two half orcs, not known for their speed and wits, but for brute strength. Unfortunately for Filip, his seven year old legs were small, and although he was quick and nimble, his chasers legs were much bigger than his. He was running out of air and he couldn't keep up his pace for long. Suddenly, he tripped and fell over a rock that jutted out of the earth. He let out a straggled cry as he fell to the ground, scratching his knee in the process. This gave the orcs just enough time to catch up and grab his tunic, lifting him off the ground. Filip struggled to break free but their firm was too tight. He had never been the strongest boy, he was quite skinny really, but even the strongest human could not get out of this grip. He gave up and went limp, allowing the rocks to scrape his knees, the branches tangle into his ginger-brown hair, and accepting that he may never see his village again.

(Damn that was a long paragraph;-;)

Only a few minutes passed when the group arrived at their supposed destination. A mansion, no, a castle was in front of them. It was the biggest building Filip had ever seen in his life and he couldn't help but gawk at it. The entire structure was made of stone. It had five parapets, each with a purple and black flag strung up, waving, although there was no wind. It barely had any windows, Filip could only count two. And the moat. The humongous piece of water surrounded the castle, the only way to get in was from a bridge that operated from the inside.

The half orcs dragged Filip to the side of the moat and hollered something he could not understand. Immediately after they spoke, the bridge descended, making Filip flinch. One of Filips captors took him and slung him over his shoulder. They started walking across the bridge, Filip looked down and whimpered in fear. Below him in the water we're alligators that were about twenty feet. To them, the boy would be an appetizer.

They crossed the bridge and the doors to the castle opened by themselves. Magic. Filip has heard of it, just never seen it. To others, it would have added to their uneasiness, but somehow to Filip, it comforted him just a bit. It felt good to be so near it, even though he was not controlling it. He felt powerful.

Before he knew it, Filip was thrown into a room, the doors locking behind him. The walls were painted blue, his favorite color. A fireplace sat in front of him, the tiles around it were elaborately painted. There were pictures on the wall above a bed that was made of dark oak wood and had embroidered sheets. Looking closer, the embroidery was of...beheadings? Welp, he ain't gonna sleep on that bed. He whimpered and closed his eyes, sinking to the carpeted ground. He shivered with cold, exhaustion, and fear. He hugged his knees, rocking back and forth, softly crying.


When Filip lifted his head again, his eyes were red from crying. He got up on shaky legs and started looking around the room, searching for a way out. Of course, there was none. No windows, no keys, and he was to up high to make a rope out of his sheets. He sad in the bed in defeat. Looking over, he spotted a glass of water on the bedside table. Although it might be poison, Filip couldn't care less. His throat was dry from all the running and crying and the water would be a soothing relief. He reached out and grasped the glass in his small hand, bringing it to his lips. He took a long sip and sighed. The cool water soothing his scratchy throat. Then and immense amount of pain hit him, he screamed in agony, dropping the cup, hearing the glass shatter. The pain slowly turned into aching. He reached to cup his hand to his head trying to lessen the pain, when his hands ran against something that was not there before. Hornes.

:0 DUN DUN DUNNNNNN. Well that was the prologue. I really hoped you enjoyed it! Please give me feed back cause I rlly need it. Thxxxx!!!


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