Chapter 4-Another one gone

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Tedros, Sophie, and Hort all heard Merlins scream.

"Did you guys hear that," Tedros asked.

"Ummm no," Sophie lied,"It was probably just our imagination."

"No i heard it too, it sounded like someone was yelling-" Hort said before he got interrupted.

"Agatha," Tedros said softly.

They all looked at each other, scared.

"Well i mean maybe Agatha is doing something she shouldn't be doing and Merlin was yelling at her," Sophie insisted.

"You could be right but i've know Merlin for years and that didn't sound like she was in trouble, it sounded like he lost her or something," Tedros corrected.

"Let's just leave Merlin to find her, i mean cmon we don't want to get killed by zombies villains," Sophie laughed,"Cmon let's follow our path."

Hort was annoyed by the way she was acting."SHUT UP WILL YOU SOPHIE, GOSH, you're best friend is missing and you want to leave it to Merlin to find her, no act up Sophie, I came all the way from school to save you and you leave me in dust acting like i don't exist and leave me as your bodyguard. I'm not just some boy you can play around with and leave my heart broken, i am a human and i have feelings even if i'm evil," Hort took a deep breath, he didn't expect to say all that.

Sophie looked at him, speechless, she wanted to say something but the words wouldn't just come out.

"Hort dear i-", Sophie said before Hort interrupted her.

"No you leave this to me, your best friend is missing and we are going to find her," he turned to Tedros, "And as for you, you little twit, you're ex is missing so let's go with Merlin, find out what the hell just happened and see where Agatha went, am i clear."

Both Tedros and Sophie went speechless. Surprised of what Hort just told them.

"Clear," they both said, Tedros was a bit softer.

They ran up to hill where Merlin was at. They even almost fell when they got to the very top. As they were rushing to Merlin, he stopped them.

"Where is she," Tedros said.

"Dear boy i'm asking the same question," Merlin replied.

"HOW COULD YOU LET HER GO," Tedros yelled.

"Tedros stop," Hort said,"Merlin i'm the one who's more interested in finding Agatha so let me do it while you guys go to hiding."

Tedros cursed under his breath."Since when do you have feelings for Agatha."

"I don't, i just think she deserves someone way better than you," Hort replied.

The words hit Tedros like a rock. He almost fell to the floor.

Sophie held Tedros hand."That's a good thing right?," she asked.

He pulled away.

Merlin walked up to Tedros, he pushed Sophie out the way. He wanted to talk to Tedros in private.

"Uh rude and you're hands are dirty," Sophie said.

He ignored her and took Tedros. They stood behind a tree.

"What are you going to do about it," Merlin asked.

"I don't know, i don't even know where she went and how am i supposed to find her, what if she ran away to somewhere dangerous," Tedros fought.

"Then you must find her," the wizard sighed,"Now do you love her."

Tedros went silent.

"I asked you a question boy, do you love her."

He took a deep breath,"I do it's just, i don't think she loves me, she doesn't want to be my queen she doesn't want anything." Tedros started to cry a little.

"She came from a small village Tedros, she doesn't know what it's like to be living in a kingdom, she doesn't even know how to be queen," Merlin said.

"I don't know how to be king either!"

"But you're father was a king, you grew up royal, Agatha grew up normal as a reader."

Tedros wiped away his tears. He was slowly calming down.

"Now let's go with the rest," Merlin walked away from the tree, then his jaw dropped,"Oh my goodness."

Tedros noticed it too."Umm Sophie, where is Hort," he asked.

"Oh right he said he went to go find Agatha, and he also said Tedros can go six feet under if you follow him," Sophie said while looking at her nails,"Goodness i need to paint my nails, this is disgusting."

"W-w-what?, HORT WHERE ARE YOU," Tedros yelled.

No response, Hort was now gone.

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