Chapter 3-Run away

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No i cant do that, Agatha thought to herself, Where would i go.

Just do it, the voice inside Agatha wouldn't stop.

She lost track of herself so she tripped over a rock.

"Dear girl, are you alright, what has gotten into you," Merlin said up ahead.

"I'm fine," Agatha replied while trying to get back up, she wiped off the dirt that was in her black cape, her hoodie now had a small hole.

"Are you hungry, i think my hat is ready to serve food, my hat is quite getting old," Merlin laughed.

"Can i have spaghetti," Agatha asked,"With a lot of cheese, i mean like a lot, a lot of cheese."

"Well i'll see what this blasted old thing can do," Merlin replied as he held up his hat.

"Spaghetti please," Merlin asked his hat,"With lots and lots and lots of cheese."

The hat started to shake and rumble. It went up and down and up and down when finally it came to the ground and tossed out a picnic blanket, with 2 glasses of water, and 2 bowls of spaghetti, one just plain and the other with lots and lots of cheese on top.

"There you go dear, now hurry up, we don't want the rest to catch up," Merlin said.

"What do you mean the rest," Agatha asked.

"Well Tedros, Sophie, and Hort of course."


Agatha sighed, every time the name Tedros appeared it hurt her a little. Like a small piece of her heart breaking and falling into a million piece and never coming together.

But at the same time Agatha thought she made the right choice, to let her best friend have a chance with her prince and kiss him just so the woods can be saved. But by the looks of it the woods wouldn't be saved, the kiss wouldn't be coming any soon. They were all going to die in darkness with no sun, no light of happiness.

I can't live like this anymore, she thought to herself.

Wait a second, that's the perfect idea.

The idea she was thinking about earlier just came back into her mind. And now she knew it was the perfect idea and she was going to do it.

But i need to make sure Merlin isn't looking.

"Agatha goodness gracious, you really do love spaghetti with extra cheese," Merlin laughed.

Agatha slightly laughed with him.

"Hold on dear, i think i need to go pee for a second, hahaha i drank too much water, now stay here my dear i won't take long," Merlin said.

"That's fine, i'll stay right here," Agatha replied, she was lying.

As Merlin left, Agathas heart was beating fast.

Should i really do this.



Yes do it, it's for the best, you don't want to get hurt don't you. The voice wouldn't stop.

An then finally Agatha got up.

Go, now!

And so she ran, ran as fast as she could, to get away from everyone, especially Tedros she didn't want to get hurt again.

She ran and ran, almost bumping into trees because of how dark it was because there was barely any sun.

A few moments later Merlin came back.

"Cmon Agatha, time to leave-"

He noticed she was gone, long gone, Agatha was no where to be seen.

"AGATHA," Merlin yelled.

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