Chapter 2-A Bad Idea

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As Sophie and Tedros dropped behind, Agatha could hear Sophie's voice lowered, "That's odd that Aggie still calls you by you're name, i thought you two would have given each other nicknames by now."

Agatha walked faster so she wouldn't hear Tedros response.

"Hurry up Hort, you're my bodyguard so you just follow behind me and Teddy," Sophie called without turning," That's what bodyguards do!"

Horts chest puffed, his anger about to explode, but it was too late, Hort had come all this way to save her just for Sophie to be hanging around with another boy. Leaving the poor weasel all alone.

A few hours passed and Agatha wouldn't stop peaking over her shoulder. She'd check a thousand times in the past hour, trying to see if everything was going well, but they were a mile back now. But all she could see were tiny figurines, she needed Sophie to destroy that ring. But in order for Sophie to destroy the ring she needed to give up her prince and let Sophie have a chance with him.

Even though it would hurt Agatha and even if she had to end up alone.

She anxiously looked back again-

She tripped badly, her new boots all ruined and smushed with dirt. She climbed back up on the muddy road and chased after Merlin.

While she was running she wouldn't stop turning her head around and peaking at Tedros and Sophie, she kept thinking to herself, what if he doesn't fake the kiss? what if Tedros is Sophie's true love?

Agatha held her breath.

Then i'm ment to be alone.

She stopped again and turned to see her prince and her friend. But she couldn't even see them.

"Dear girl if you keep looking back the road will be much longer."

Agatha turned to see Merlin far ahead on the trail, she took a deep breath.

"How much longer do we have," Agatha exhaled," I mean the sun and when Tedros and Sophie will you know....kiss."

Merlin looked up at the melting sun," Won't last more than three weeks, might not even make it to the boys coronation."

"It doesn't make any sense, why didn't the school master chase us when we left, it's like he didn't care he just let Sophie go away," Agatha sighed.

Merlin gave her an anxious stare. That was a sign that Agatha should stop asking questions.

An then something came up into Agathas mind. Something she didn't think she'll do. She looked at the wizards then peaked again at Tedros and Sophie, who were catching up.

No i can't do that. Agatha thought to herself.

That's beyond bad, i mean what could happen to me, where would I go?

Then she heard Sophie laugh,"Oh Teddy, hahahhahaha you're so funny."

At that's when she knew it was the perfect idea of whatever she was thinking about.

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