Chapter Twenty-Eight

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—The Witchwood, Outskirts of Namera—

The forest was sick. She could feel it crawling out of the wood, could smell it in the air. Something dark and dangerous had made this forest its home, infesting it with the rot it expelled with every breath.

The oppressive call of the forest had reached her long before they arrived at its edge, and the closer they drew, the harder it was for Ori to focus. But she could not afford to remain distracted, not when the Witchwood was as dangerous as Adix had claimed and they were hunting for something of paramount importance. It was critical, everyone had been keen to remind her, that they reach the ruin before Xaelan did. They could not afford to give him any advantage. He already had enough.

They were traveling lightly so as not to draw attention, their party limited to Commander Avalas, Altara, Adix, Ren, herself, and Adix. The Witchwood was not suitable for a party any larger, Avalas had told her. They would have enough trouble navigating it as it was. Ori had thought his caution over-thought, but now that they were drawing nearer, she understood his concern.

"You're too quiet," Ren grumbled at her side. "I hate it when you're this quiet."

Ori smiled. "I thought you preferred it when I was quiet."

He made a low noise of disapproval. "Means somethin's wrong."

"What do you know about the Witchwood?"

"Same as everyone else," he shrugged. "Don't go in it."

"Any particular reason?"

"Yeah, because it kills people."

"You are just brimming with information."

That got him to smirk a little. "It keeps growing. Not like other forests where it expands little by little over the years. Every few months Namera has to send an army of woodsmen to start cutting down the trees. One day, overnight, the trees will spread over three miles from where we're going to the nearest village."

"Three miles in one night?"

He nodded. "And the trees can't be cut with any ordinary axe either. Only pure silver can cut through their bark."

"Has anyone explored the forest to see what's causing it?"

"Many scholars have claimed they alone will find the mysteries of the Witchwood and traipse into the forest. The few lucky ones come out screaming and are never the same again. The others...some are found torn apart, some disappear entirely."

"How does anyone know about this ruin then?"

"Don't ask me," Ren shook his head. "I'm not a scholar. I don't much care why it's evil. All I care about is making sure you stay safe."

"Any why is that?" she asked, looking up at him. They were nearing the edge of the forest. It wouldn't be long before the stepped within. Once they entered, they would need to keep their wits about them. No distractions, no talking. It was a question she wanted answered, but she wasn't sure he ever would. "I'm extremely grateful, you know, but...I don't understand why you stuck your neck out for me."

"I am a Dragon Knight of Ender's Watch."

"And what does that mean exactly?"

He let out a long sigh that told her this wasn't something he wanted to discuss. She was about to change the subject and leave him to his thoughts, but he surprised her by offering an answer.

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