Chapter Seventeen

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—Light's Grace, Holy Kingdom of Namera, World Unknown—

The Dark Forest was quiet, the sound of her every step as she walked over the fallen leaves decorating the winding path echoing into the trees. There was no trembling of earth, no raging tempest above, and no enemy pursuing her at every turn. No, she was finally at peace to enjoy the forest to her leisure for once. Ori cared not why her enemy gave her this sudden respite. She would enjoy it. Gods knew she needed it.

With Xaelan gone, the forest was almost serene. There was no sun in the sky, but that did not mean there was no light. Ori hadn't the time to contemplate it before, but now she could see the light came not from the heavens above, but from the creatures fluttering through the trees and from the leaves themselves, both glowing with soft light of gentle silvers, blues, purples, and greens that cast a surreal glow over everything.

Ori held out one hand as she came to a stop along the path. It wasn't long before a moth landed on her fingertip. It fluttered its luminescent wings, the color changing slowly before it flew away to a colony of mushrooms glowing nearby. Seeing movement on the forest floor, Ori made her way to them, kneeling down to get a better look. Moths and butterflies twirled in the air as small creatures watched them below. Pixies, she realized, as they turned to her as well, pointing and waving as they spoke to each other in a language too soft for her to hear. With a wave of her own, Ori stood and returned to the path.

There were other creatures watching her progress, most from the cover of darkness. A hart watched her approach curiously, its white body swirling in the gentle breeze making it seem as though it was made only of smoke. She smiled in its direction but made no move toward it. She was a guest in this forest. Nothing more.

Step by step, she explored along the path, until, at last, the forest opened into a wide clearing that seemed to span for miles. The path led toward an ancient castle. Two of its towers were crumbling into ruin, but most of it was remarkably well preserved. Wild beasts had claimed the surrounding grounds for themselves, but they paid her no mind as she ascended the castle steps. A wave of sadness overtook her. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to stave off the sudden cold. At the base of the two imposing metal doors before her, something glinted in the soft light of the sunless Grave.

She knelt, fingers grasping the silver ring resting there. The main doors were open wide enough for someone to pass through. Had it been dropped here eons by whoever lived here? Or, was it from some distant traveler like herself? Ori didn't have any answers, but the metal hummed warmly against her skin. So, she slipped the ring onto her right index finger and glanced toward the doors.


Her eyes fluttered open with the gentle kiss of warmth upon her face. Slowly, her head tilted toward the light, fingers flexing as she tried to move the rest of her body. Everything felt heavy as though a great weight was pressing down upon her, keeping her unable to move. The slightest movement and she felt it again, that damned hex, suppressing her magic. She had already expended nearly all of it to save those people. The added hex could have killed her.

But, the moment she thought of that battle, her body jerked upward, desperate to know what had become of things. She was prevented from sitting up, however, due to the heavy metal chains binding her ankles and wrists to the bed. She let out an annoyed huff.

"As if we would allow you to freely roam our halls," a scornful voice called her attention. At the foot of her bed, leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, was one of the soldiers she had seen on the battlefield, the one wielding dual swords if she recalled correctly. "You are a murderer, after all."

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