Chapter Twelve

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—The Ruins of Claragane—

Through the forest she ran, her feet pounding against the black earth, lungs screaming for air. A wolf howled somewhere in the darkness, but she paid it no mind. Somewhere in this forest, Xaelan was hunting her. Still without her magic or a weapon, she was powerless against him. Running was all she could hope to do. George fluttered at her side, racing with her further into the Dark Forest. Shadows were calling to her, bodiless voices echoing from every corner and crevice. They begged her to end their pain, begged her stop the unfolding destruction. One voice, above all others, rang out clear as day. It was loud enough to make her stop. Before her, on the path, was a middle-aged woman, on her knees, hands clasped together as she prayed. Her long golden hair hung around her shoulders like a veil.

"Aer'Avyn, goddess of light, hear my prayers. I was unable to shelter the faithful. I was unable to resist the corruption. Forgive me Aer'Avyn. I have failed you. I was your Hand in life, but I could not save our people. Abandon them not. They need you. They suffer still. Save them. I beg you."

Violet eyes opened and stared straight at Ori, startling her.

"Come to Claragane, Aer'Avyn. Save us from this monster."


The sudden jolt rescued her from the Grave. Ori's eyes flew open. One muscular arm was holding her upright, curled around her chest, a strong hand clutched against her shoulder to keep her in place. She had been about to fall from—a horse? She was sitting on Edge, she suddenly realized.

Swiveling her head, she found Ren sitting behind her. He didn't glance down at her as he released his grip, one hand falling to rest on her hip instead. She had a myriad of questions, but she kept them unspoken instead to extend the silence between them. It was clear from Ren's slight shifting that he had expected her to say something, and when she didn't, he was at a loss what to do.

Their surroundings were much the same as they had been the past several days, but Ori couldn't help but notice how utterly quiet everything was, almost unnaturally so. There was no one sharing the road with them anymore. Ren sensed her discomfort, the hand on her hip squeezing gently. She heard him open his mouth, intending, perhaps, to comfort her, but before he could speak, a man crested over the hill, his face a bloody mess, uniform in disarray, eyes wide as he fled for his life. Ren maneuvered Edge so that they blocked the road.

"Whoa! Soldier!" Ren shouted. The man skidded to a stop, leaning over to place his hands on his knees as he panted for breath. "That's a Thracian uniform. What're King Deledris' men doing so close to the border?"

"Rilas Von Brelgren, my lord!" The soldier's voice shook with utter fear as he glanced over his shoulder, worried, perhaps, that he was being followed. "His men moved into Claragane not a week past. Commander Avalas of Namera answered King Deledris' call for help even though..."

"Even though the King of Namera is dead," Ren finished for him.

"Yes, sir. They surrounded the ruin, covered every exit. Our orders were to kill Rilas, no matter the cost."

"So, what happened to make you run like a frightened boy just discoverin' a girl's charms for the first time?"

"Rilas...He...I don't rightly know what he did. Just suddenly...There was this blindin' light. The ground trembled, and, then...the sky opened up...Three days we've been fightin'. All manner of beasts are coming out of that portal. A storm's coverin' the sky. Everyone's dyin'...I couldn't...I can't...Oh Aer'Avyn forgive me!"

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