783 33 18

Michael White

Ever since we got Diamond back, Jah had been acting a lil....sus. This nigga would not stop checking up on her. He'd always be by her side, he wouldn't even let her sleep alone. I understand the gesture but damn, it's like he obsessed

Me and Diamond were sitting on Asia's couch at her house. Her mom and Dad had went off to stay with friends and her brother wasn't even gonna come downstairs. Asia told me about what happened with her family, I didn't think it would change it this much.

Asia had been acting even weirder than them. Her and Pearl were avoiding each other a lot, they couldn't even hold a conversation for more than two seconds. Me and Diamond noticed this but didn't bother to ask. Speaking of us, we became closer. Jah didn't really have a problem with that, he just didn't want Diamond to be or feel alone.

"bitch i'm bored" I said as I kept eating my BBQ Lays chips.

"seems like you having a great time with those chips" Diamond laughed.

"very funny. Yo Asia! Can we go out?!" I said. She didn't answer. "Asia?!"

Me and Diamond got up and went upstairs to Asia's room. As we were walking down the hall, we heard Asia and Pearl talking.

"are we gonna talk about it?" Asia asked.

"about what?" Pearl said.

"About the thing" she answered.

"no. hell no. listen, I was drunk and I just...wanted to try something. I didn't know what I wanted, actually" Pearl fumbled her words.

"we have to talk about it at some point!"

"no. we don't. you're so-...ugh. just get out!"

"this is my room, Pearl" Asia scoffed. "please. we really need to talk about it!"

"no! i'm not fucking ready"

"when will you be?"

Pearl was silent for a second. Me and Diamond were really confused at this point.

"is this about Kentrell?" Asia asked, seeming really annoyed.

"no. well...maybe...i don't know. why do you even care? it was a mistake!" Pearl started to get mad.

"so we were a mistake or something?"

"there is no 'we'." Pearl started to clap her hands in between each word like she was gonna fight.

"i know you felt it too! all im asking is that you give it a chance. what is there to lose?"

"i dont know. but I don't feel like taking that chance, Asia. please, just leave it alone!"

Pearl started to walk out, but Asia pulled her in and hugged her. Pearl just pushed her away and started to walk out. When Pearl saw us, she just walked the other way. Diamond and I watched as Asia looked us in the eyes and slammed her door shut.

"what was that?" Diamond asked.

"how the hell would I know?" I shrugged as Jah opened his door.

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