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Diamond Blake

"Did he hit you?"


"was he violent with you in any way?"


"Did he rape you?"


I was being interviewed in the police station for whatever happened a few hours ago. One of the policemen tried to get me some water, but I knew that trick. Before Dad left, he gave me all of the tricks that the police would use on me if I ever did something. This trick was simply just an act to get my finger prints.

"listen ma'am. the man you've been hanging around is incredibly dangerous. We just want to ask you a couple questions-"

"what did he even do?" I asked.

"Excuse me?" The policeman asked.

"With all due respect, which is fucking none. This is Bullshit! Jahseh didn't kidnap or hurt me at all! Who even told you that story?" I snapped.

Suddenly, the door opened. I saw my Mom, she was holding her stomach. I hadn't been gone for that long, she didn't have time to grow that big of a baby bump. She put something under her dress for sympathy, obviously.

"Diamond, my love. Please come home!" She started with her usual begging routine.

"It was you? You got my friend arrested just so you could FUCKING TALK TO ME?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I yelled.

"Ma'am. I'm gonna need you to calm down!" The policeman reached for his weapon.

I stopped. Then looked at my mother, who was staring at me with her evil eyes. I couldn't go with her, otherwise I'd go missing again, and they wouldn't find me the second time.

"give me my friend. then we'll talk" I stared that police officer dead in the eye. I only wanted to see Jah.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" He police officer said, calmly. It was obvious he was losing his patience.

"wha-...why not?" I asked.

"He's going to be in our care until we can figure out what happened. Since you obviously aren't telling us the truth"

"I am! Sir, I am giving you all the information. Please don't listen to her!" I exclaimed.

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit" He said, walking out.

I stared at the woman I called my mother with the most hatred in my eyes that I could even conjure up.

"Listen, Diamond. I'm working things out! We could be happy again, like we were with your father. This baby will bring us all together!" My mother rushed to explain. "Come with me! We could get through this!"

"you expect me to WANT to come with you? I'm an adult. I legally don't have to go anywhere with you!" I yelled.

"Listen, I know you're upset"

"𝖙𝖔𝖔 𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖘"//𝖃𝖃𝖃Where stories live. Discover now