Milkshakes and Existential Contemplation (Bonus Story!) : Eijirou Kirishima

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Author's Note:

I intended this to be like two paragraphs long to tack onto the end of the first part but then I started having fun with it. Also I struggle to do a thing called "stop writing".

Happy reading!


Warnings: Angy Bakugou (says many no-no words), brief innuendo

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Kaminari sat on the couch down in the common room, tapping away at his phone as he held the end of his charger in his mouth. "Is Kirishima ever going to get here or . . . ?" he asked around it.

"Oh, let him take his time," Mina said, trying to fix a red streamer that had started to fall off the wall. "It's his day, we should let him sleep in." She thanked Sero when he offered her a better piece of tape.

The four of them had gotten up early to decorate the common room. Streamers and balloons hung on the wall, all in either red or black. A cake which had been baked and decorated by Sato sat ready and waiting on the table.

"It's fucking ELEVEN IN THE MORNING!" Bakugou jumped up off the couch, apparently at the end of his fuse. "We've been sitting here for hours! The damn bastard needs to get his ass down here already!"

"Relax, Kacchan," Kaminari said, pulling the plug from his lips.

"Yeah," Sero chimed in. "Besides, you're not exactly a morning person either."

"Yeah, don't act like you don't get up at noon most weekends," Kaminari pointed out.

"What do you mean?!" Bakugou shouted. "I'm already up by then! I just—take a while to come down here! I don't want to be around you losers longer than I have to."

The other two boys just snickered to themselves, dark eyes meeting honey gold from across the room.

"Has anyone seen (Y/N)?" Mina asked suddenly. "She hasn't come down either, and I didn't see her in her room this morning when I went to go get her to help set up.

"Ooooh—" Kaminari began, making eye contact with Sero again.

"THAT'S IT." Bakugou shoved his hands into his sweatpants pockets, turning in the direction of the elevator. "I swear, I'm gonna blast his ass down here—"

"Hey guys." A familiar head of spiky red hair came around the corner, already gelled up even though he was still wearing clothes that could hardly be deemed anything other than pajamas. You were right behind him, a sleepy expression draped onto your features.

It didn't take long for you both to notice the state of the room, decorated surprisingly well, considering the people who'd been working on it and the amount of time they'd had to do it in.

"THERE YOU ARE, SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugou said, stalking closer to him. "Took you long enough!"

"Woah," Kirishima breathed, ignoring the blond's blood red glare. "Is this all for me?"

"No, it's for Iron Man over in the other building. Of course, it's for you, dumbass! Who else has a bizarre obsession with the color red?!"

"Bakugou's cranky because he had to wake up earlier than he wanted to," Hanta explained, acting as if he wasn't there.

"Thanks, guys," Kirishima said, grinning. "You really didn't have to."

"It was worth it for you, man," Sero said, patting his red haired friend on the back.

"You really are the best." Somehow Kirishima managed to pull everyone into a hug, even the indignant Bakugou Katsuki.

"Alright, alright, that's enough," Bakugou grumbled, eventually prying himself away. "Let's get this over with. Dunce Face, (N/N)! You go get the presents. Soy Sauce, Raccoon Eyes! Go get all the other extras in here. I'll handle the food because I don't trust anyone else with that."

The four of you rolled your eyes but went off to do as he said. You let Denki lead you over to where they'd been hiding the gifts.

"So, has he been like that all morning?" you asked him, stacking up wrapped boxes in your arms.

"Katsuki? Yep, ever since we started. But I think he cared more about making everything look right than the rest of us. Not that we didn't want to make everything look good, but Kacchan's a perfectionist."

"You said it."

"Sooo," Kaminari began slyly, shifting his eyes over to your face. "What took you so long this morning?"

You shrugged, a fluffy, giddy feeling spiking through your chest as you remembered how you'd woken your boyfriend up this morning with soft, gentle kisses. "Tired. Slept in."

"Uh huh. Mina said you weren't in your room, though." Kaminari's conspicuous grin caught your attention, only furthering your flustered state.

"I was in Eijirou's room, yeah," you admitted. "We just wanted to spend some time together last night and we were up late."

"Doing . . . ?"

"Denki, stop! It wasn't like that!"

"Uh huh."

You gently whacked him on the head with one of the cardboard boxes in your hand. He pretended to be deeply wounded by the action, jutting his lip out in a pout as he gave you golden puppy dog eyes.

"Geesh." You smirked and rolled your eyes at him, setting your colorful stack down on the table in the main space.

Nearly the entire class of 1-A had gathered by now, and at the center of it all was your beaming Kirishima. You hoped today could get his mind off the things you'd talked over the other night. He deserved a break from it all.

Someone must have bought a bag of party hats. A few people were wearing them, even the stoic Todoroki. Bakugou wandered around, randomly thrusting plated slices of red velvet cake at people. Yes, today would be a good day. Everyone could use something like this, especially with everything that had been going on.

Eijirou came up to you, setting a party hat on the top of your head. "There you go," he said.

You giggled and adjusted it so it was more secure. "This party's really nice," you said. "Happy birthday. Again."

He smiled. "Thanks, babe." He pressed a single kiss to your cheek—right there in the common room.


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