Chapter 7 - Drops of Jupiter

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The air is humid around me as I walk out of the car. There are a few other cars parked by, and I look around me trying to find out in which one my hiking partner is. Finally, my eyes focus on a black Jeep that is parked a bit away from the others. It's windows are tinted, and I can't see anything, but it's clear that it's Luke's car. Max helps me with getting the backpack on, and I stagger on my feet before I adjust the weight. I adjust the straps, so that my hips and abdomen are bearing the most of it, and flex my neck a few times. At the far end, a car door of the Jeep opens, and Luke gets out. Or at least I think it's Luke. He's wearing a baseball cap, and he seems to have hidden most of his hair underneath it. Topped off with heavy sunglasses, it's actually quite difficult to recognize him. Max nods at him, and he signals to me with his head that we'll walk over to Luke.

Just like me, Luke staggers a bit when the full weight of his backpack crashes down on him for the first time, and I try (and fail) to hide my giggle at it.

Notified by the sound, Luke looks up and smiles at me. "Hey Robyn," he greets me with an easygoing smile. "Hi Luke," I smile back. Max has his serious-face on, and he seems to do a quick scan of our surroundings before he says to Luke, "Liv can come out if she wants. There doesn't seem to be anyone around." He is right, the only other people that I saw on the dusty square that seems to function as a parking lot have disappeared, presumably on the trail. And then his words seem to hit me. Liv. Liv as in ... Liv, the Liv that plays along Luke on Lunar Phase? And indeed, Luke knocks twice on the window of the driver's side, and then Liv walks out. Just like Luke she's wearing a disguise, with her honey-coloured hair twisted under a cap, and aviator sunglasses hiding almost a half of her face, but there is no mistaking that it is indeed the Liv. "Hi Robyn!" She greets me with enthusiasm. The first thing I think is: Oh my god! Liv knows my name! And then I give myself a mental slap, because I'm going to hike the PCT with Luke Wright.

I do a little finger-wiggle at Liv that is totally awkward, but she doesn't seem to mind. "I'm so psyched for you guys." She is hopping up and down as she talks.

Max looks at me. "Ready to get this show on the road?" I nod, then look at Luke for confirmation. "Hell yeah," he says to me.

The four of us walk towards the stones that indicate the start of the trail.

It has five stone poles, with the official PCT logo on it and the words 'Southern Terminus' written on it.

For a second, we just stare at it. Luke and I share a look, one that is filled with excitement and a part apprehension.

"Let's write our names in the book,' I tell him, pointing at the logbook that is lying on one of the stones. Luke nods, and I pick up a pen, writing my name in the book next to the date.

But when I give the pen to Luke, his face seems to crumble. He sighs and gives the pen back to me. "I can't really write my name in it. Not my real name at least." Comprehension dawns on me, and I take the pen back. I open my mouth to say something, but Liv says, "Come on, take a picture with it!" Luke looks at Max, and he nods. "As long as none of you post it online before you reach Canada I don't see a problem with it.

So Luke and I pose with the block of stones, eyes shining with delight and mouths laughing wide. I still can't really believe that this is actually happening, that I'm standing here, but I'm letting that part go. I'm here, and that's all that matters. And I'm going to enjoy the next months like I've never done before. When Liv has taken enough pictures, I bite my lip before deciding fuck it, and then I throw her my phone as well. "I'm not supposed to waste battery, but can you take a pic for me as well? For my parents," I ask. Liv nods, and does so. Both my parents and Sav signed an NDA as well, so I don't have to be afraid to send them pictures of the trip. It's something that Liz didn't really like, but I pushed through on it, mostly because I don't want my parents to worry about me.

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