Chapter 15

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The next day Ariel woke up early and started packing. She wanted to finish packing before the D-day just in case. Ariel couldn't forget what happened yesterday. She couldn't forget the awkward smile and the sad expression of Duke Alin. Ariel felt complicated. She didn't know how to deal with this kind of emotion and feelings. It was the first time she had ever dealt with this kind of situation. Ariel's ankle felt better. Ariel felt that this kind of pain is incomparable to the mental torture which she is going throw.
Knock ×3. With Ariel's permission, someone has entered. It was Mrs. Pax. Mrs. Pax wanted to have some tea and chat with Ariel before she starts giving lessons to Carney and the other kids. Ariel agreed right away. Mrs. Pax and Ariel sat quietly till Mrs. Pax started the talk.
▶Mrs. Pax: "you rejected Duke Alin's feelings." Ariel looked at Mrs. Pax. Mrs. Pax smiled.
▶Mrs. Pax: "He didn't tell me anything but it was so clear in his face when he came to me to bid farewell. I actually expected that and told him when we were in the carriage. Let me guess, you brought up the subject first and he didn't even have the chance to confess." Ariel looked down as she felt sorry. She didn't know how to what to say. Mrs. Pax smiled faintly.
▶Mrs. Pax: "You don't have to feel sorry. He is not the kind of guy who gives up so easily especially when he finally found a golden gem. You do you. Do whatever makes you happy and don't focus so much if it didn't matter to you or if you still don't have an answer to it. I actually feel jealous of you youngsters. That kind of emotion won't be able to experience again once you get older. So enjoy it and cherish it." Ariel finally smiled brightly at Mrs. Pax's words of consultation.
▶Mrs. Pax: "Oh! Right! It seems like Bency and Carney are back the way they used to be. I thought you will keep her beside you! What happened?" Ariel chuckled. Ariel's facial expressions seemed so relaxed and satisfied.
▶Ariel: "Are they ~!"
Ariel started to explain what happened back then in the room with Bency.
Ariel sat in the waiting room silently, while Bency was anxiously standing. Ariel glared at Bency.
▶Ariel: "Do you have something to say? " said Ariel with a harsh voice. ▶Bency: "Tha thank you so much for saving me," said while trembling. ▶Ariel: "Bency hand me a pen and a paper from my study table over there." Said with a cold tone. Bency moved quickly and handed Ariel what she wanted. Ariel asked Bency to write what she was going to say. Normally maids from the noble's family were not supposed to be able to read or write except the chosen one. However, Baroness Kaylee felt pity and sympathetic since they were so young and thought that it might be useful for them and helpful for her.
▶Ariel: "Write down. I Bency the maid of Alexon family's house swear to my own life to not do anything harmful to Lady Ariel Miller Alexon. I Bency promise to not betray Lady Ariel. I Bency promise to listen and obey one and only Lady Ariel no matter what the order will be. I Bency promise to walk nude in the streets if I ever betrayed Lady Ariel. I Bency promise to approve for Lady Ariel to decide whatever she wants to do to me if I ever violated any of these rules. " Bency finished writing what Ariel told her to write and handed it to Ariel. Ariel peeked at the paper then shred it into pieces, then asked Bency over and over again. Every time she writes and hands them to Ariel. Ariel would shred it into pieces over and over again. Till her hands started to tremble Ariel ordered her to write for the last time and sign it. Next, Ariel asked Bency to pour her some water. When Bency is done Ariel would pour it out and she did that repeatedly. Lastly, Ariel gave Bency a shiny small expensive golden brooch. Bency's facial expression brightened up. Ariel smirked.
▶Ariel: "Bency do you know why did I do that to you ?" Ariel said with a cold tone. Bency's body shivered at Ariel's cold glare and speech tone and shook her head as a no.
▶Ariel: " You don't know, do you?! Let me tell you then. Just now you felt tired and exhausted when I told you to do things, again and again, right? And you felt happy when I rewarded you. Can you understand now Bency ?" Ariel picked up a fork on the table and pulled Bency to her side. Ariel started to move the fork around Bency's face with a creepy smile.
▶Ariel: "I Can make you suffer if you ever betrayed me and I could give you a bright and brilliant life if you stay loyal to me. What do you say ?!" Bency Nodded her head aggressively
▶Ariel: "Bency, listen well. Carney will make sure to take you back since you know a lot about her. I want you to go back to her and report to me every single move. In shortcuts I want you to spy on her. Write everything you see and hear. Make her believe that you are back as you used to be, Understood?!" Bency nodded. Bency felt so betrayed when Carney suggested Duke Alin to get rid of her. She wanted revenge and to see Carney suffer. Afterwards, Ariel permits Bency to leave the room.
Mrs. Pax was amazed. She actually wanted to witness what happened back then. Mrs. Pax was satisfied and pleased with Ariel's action. However, she also warned her to not trust Bency just yet and to be extra careful. Ariel agreed to what Mrs. Pax said and thanked her for her advice.
▶Mrs. Pax: "Oh! Right! You know that Baroness Kaylee and Carney are going to the debutant, right?! "
▶Ariel: "I guessed so."
▶Mrs. Pax: "Alin is going to pick you up and escort you right?! Then I have nothing to worry about." Said with a teasing tone.

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