𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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"This song says everything I'm too afraid to say but just know everything she says is true Derek Robert King."

"I'll listen to it when I'm on the plane Lemon Drop, pinky promise."

With that Lemon placed her head on my chest while my arms wrapped around her and we both fell peacefully asleep.

That's what I did I opened my eyes got my phone and air pods out looked up the singer and began to listen to the song.

The first Twenty Four words made my heart know Lemon felt the same way I did, I was never one to show emotion but somehow Lemon finds ways to make myself open up more.

I can't even lie I shut my eyes tightly not letting any tears come out, no woman has ever dedicated anything to me let alone give me her trust and love.

This song is what I needed at this moment to let me know I'm making the right decision.

I can't wait for Lemon to take my last name.

Lemon's point of view

It was like my mind and body knew Derek is no longer laying next to me, I opened my eyes and what do you know I was right.

I plopped my head my back on the pillow remembering last nights encounter before we fell asleep, I couldn't help but smile but yet at the same time feel pain in my heart.

I dedicated a song to Derek and everything Shania Twain sang is everything I'm feeling for him, but I'm so scared to know what he thinks.

It's my first time feeling these emotions and being in love.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand to see if Derek has texted me or said anything about the song but instead I woke up with no messages.

Disappointment shot through me.

From the corner of my eye I notice a note on his pillow and I couldn't help but smile knowing he did leave me something and took time out of his morning to leave me a note before he left.

I reached for the note and my smile got even wider if that was humanly possible.

"Dear Lemon drop,

These last three days together have been perfection in every way, you are the woman of my dreams thank you for being you I won't let you down this time. I hate to leave you once again but this is very important and soon I'll be in Seattle with no more distractions. I didn't forget the song you dedicated to me Lemon so you can wipe away that thought, I'll listen to it when I'm on the plane okay? Be safe I'll be back before you know it.

Love, Derek."

I couldn't help but re-read the note over and over again finally I picked up the note and folded it in half, made my way to my dresser and opened the drawer placing it underneath some clothes.

No matter what happens between Derek and I I'm always going to keep that note as a reminder of what it felt like to have someone actually fall in love with me.

I've never had anyone write me a note, let alone from a man.

Soon after I made my way to the bathroom and did my shower routine, I knew I needed to go grocery shopping since Derek and I basically ate everything.

I didn't really have a lot of food since it's just me who lives here but now that I have Derek in my life I need a lot more food.

Before I changed into my clothes for the day I texted Derek letting him know what I'm up to and that I already miss him.

God can't believe I'm already turning into a little sensitive bitch for him.

Than again that already went out the window the first time I saw him, yikes.

I waited for a response but then I remembered he's probably on airplane mode, I rolled my eyes and plugged my phone in.

I walked into my closet and decided to still be casual yet sexy at the same time, I've never been one to be boring when it comes to clothes.

Which I already know Derek might have a problem with what I wear but at the same time it's fuck his opinion on what I wear, it's my body and decision

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Which I already know Derek might have a problem with what I wear but at the same time it's fuck his opinion on what I wear, it's my body and decision.

If you can't handle a bad bitch than don't date one, simple.

Well technically we aren't dating yet but still you get my point.

If Derek wants me the way he says he does he's just going to have to deal with the fact his girl is a baddie.

Once I collected my items I made my way out the door to my little white buggy and began the car, I know what you must be thinking you went from a Lamborghini to a white bug?

What is wrong with you?

The answer to that question is I'm done buying pointless items, I don't need any fancy's cars or houses.

I have everything I need.

Money can't buy happiness, not anymore.

My happiness is now Derek, he's my sun.

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