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Day 9

"We should invite the others to that corndog stall!" Y/n says as she walks by my side, before walking to the ice rink, we stopped by the convenience store to eat some breakfast, "I think Jay would like it there, don't you think so? As well as Jake and Misoo!"

'Annoying girl...' I sigh, she continues to talk and talk, she doesn't stop talking, she just keeps on talking, doesn't her throat hurt? Since she keeps talking too much. "Stop talking," I tell her, "what? Why? I was getting into the juicy part of the story!" I shake my head and closed my eyes placing my index finger on my lips telling her to shush.

"For once, let's have a nice quiet walk to the ice rink, I don't even know why I still invite you when your so talkative," she furrows her eyebrows, "you always complain, I bet you'll get bored when one day I suddenly don't talk at all!"

"Also just saying before we be quiet, I cut off your face in the film, and the picture looks so much better!" I say teasing her, she looked at me, "seriously you did that?" I nod my head, she rolls her eyes, "I don't care, I threw mine anyways," she walks quicker than me making her leave my side, and she's in front of me.

I chuckle at her reaction, her and her hormones, she's mad but all of a sudden she's laughing, crazy...

I'm on the rink and Y/n wasn't sitting on the bench this time but walking around the outer part of the rink, I took glances at her as I skate. "Sunghoon!" I turn around to see my coach calling for me, I skate towards him, "yes coach?" He smiles, "happy birthday, I forgot to greet you, I was quite busy yesterday." I smile

"Thanks, coach"

"So today, just practice the choreography, as usual, you can also practice other moves, after that you go and eat lunch, and we'll do a rehearsal with the other skaters," he says reading it off the pile of papers on his clipboard, I nod.

"Also," he looks behind me, "are you sure your not friends with her? She's been coming here a lot with you lately Sunghoon," I shake my head, "acquaintance..." I muttered but suddenly I hear a small chuckle coming from my coach, "acquaintance? Sure Sunghoon."

We were outside of the building and Y/n looked at me, "I'm not eating with you today, I'm hanging out with Misoo for the rest of the day," she says and I nod, "good at least I won't need to pay for your food and see how disgustingly you eat."

She hits me and rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out, "I'm going, bye," she walks away and I sigh walking in the opposite direction.


Y/n PoV

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