Chapter 7: I Will Love You

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Chapter 7: I Will Love You

I’m nearly shocked by how fast the first week of school went by considering it wasn’t necessarily an eventful week. So far University is going by in a breeze, although I’m sure I won’t be saying that in a few months. We’re working on our first project in fashion and design and I’ve basically just gone through a bunch of not lectures, but lessons and videos on finding your own style and how it relates to creating other sorts of clothes, and helping others find their sense of style and just a bunch of random stuff I’m not interested in. Although I am incredibly excited to be working on this project. That’s what I’m doing today. Well that’s what I’m doing for half of the day. The second half I’m going out with Noah.

Basically Sam, Olivia, Taylor and I are all going to the beach and taking pictures of my style. I read over the package and it was something along the lines of not necessarily having every outfit be the same or similar just having one connecting piece between every outfit, which I decided would be converse. Not going to lie I have like a good 20 pairs of converse. The two catches were that even though it’s supposed to be the connecting piece that holds it all together, we’re supposed to have an extra outfit that’s basically the complete opposite of your outfits, and secondly it’s that if you’re taking the pictures instead of drawing them, you can’t model any of the outfits except the extra random one. Which I don’t really mind.

“Taylor, hurry it the hell up!” I scream, slamming my fist on her door. I’m not usually this impatient but she’s half an hour late and I need to get out of here fast so we can finish up fast, so I can go out on my date with Noah.

“I’m coming, don’t get your panties in a bunch.” I roll my eyes, just as the door open in front of me.

“What took you so long?” I question her, glancing into the room and instantly regretting it. “Ew!” I scream, covering my eyes as Blake pulls up his underwear.

“Look, I don’t judge you, you don’t judge me.” She says, and it’s all I can do to not barf.

“Lets just go.” I say dragging her away from the bedroom.

“Bye Payton!” Blake yells, and I flip him off.

“What was that all about?” Sam asks following us out of the apartment.

“I just saw Blake’s you-know-what.” I mutter with a shudder.

“It’s his penis, not Voldemort!” Taylor screams and I cover my ears.

“I don’t want to hear about it, shut up. I do not need to know about you and your boyfriend’s dirty deeds that’s disgusting!” I exclaim and she rolls her eyes at me.

“Was it big?” Sam asks, and I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I nearly barfed.

“Shut up!” I exclaim at the same time Taylor announces, “huge.”

“You’re so disgusting.” I mutter. “Lets just go downstairs and pretend this never happened please.”

“Fine by me.” Taylor says. “I’m not one for sharing anyways.” Olivia and Sam break out into fit of giggles and I just shake my head as I make my way downstairs. This is going to be a long day.


I was right. This day is horrible. Don’t get me wrong I love my friends I really really do but they can’t take anything seriously. It was one thing to get them into the outfits, since they literally fought over basically everything. Well mostly it was Taylor and Sam. Neither of them wanted to put on the girly outfits and they were both fighting over who’d get to wear the ones the better fit they’re taste. Not to mention, once I forced them to get into the outfits it took forever to get them to pose like normal people. What I thought would take maybe an hour tops is breaching two hours. By the time I’m getting into the last outfit I’m ready to drop the ground and start praising Jesus. And I’m not even religious. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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