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"Shaker." Claudia said, answering her pager as she was directed to return to room 103 to help a patient eat their dinner.

She rushed out of the staff lounge, rushing to the restroom to wash her hands. She wiped them quickly and rushed out, bumping right into one of her closest friends on the way out.

"Slow down there, Claud, you don't want to overwork yourself." Bennet said, placing his hands on her shoulders to steady her.

"Sorry Ben, I should've watched where I was going." Claudia smiled warmly as Bennet removed his hands from her shoulders.

"No worries, I know we take care of people, but remember to take care of yourself too Claud," Bennet said, walking past her as his pager went off. He walked across the clean tile floors of the hospital, knocking softly before entering a patient's room.

Claudia had noticed long ago that Bennet didn't have a soulmate timer, she wondered if that was what happened if your soulmate died. Or maybe Bennet was meant to live without a soulmate. There was nothing wrong with being single, after all.


Claudia's pager went off again as she read the room number on the screen. 103, it was oftentimes annoying when the volunteers kept reminding her of her duties, especially when she was heading there anyway.

She put on her gloves as she entered the room, glancing at the name on the door upon entry. She supposed that the best thing that came out of working in pediatrics was seeing the children's faces light up when they saw her.

"Claudia!" Jenna shouted, giggling as she sat in her hospital bed.

"Jenna, how are you sweetie," Claudia smiled looking at the young girl. Jenna had a degenerative disorder that made it harder to move. It got worse everyday as her muscles tightened and hardened, incapacitating her, making her immobile.

"Good! I was so excited when Bennet told me you were working the night shift!" Jenna giggled happily. Jenna had been in and out of the hospital over the past few years, and lately, her stays had only gotten longer.

"How are your treatments going? Did the doctor say you were getting better?" Claudia asked, knowing the answer, but wanting to hear it from the little girl again.

"Yes!" She smiled, her toothy grin showing her missing front teeth. "The doctor said my disease is getting slower! He said I get to start taking medicine so I can move my hands next week!" Jenna giggled happily as Claudia moved the food tray in front of her and filled the spoon with rice.

"That's great! Hopefully you'll be back on your feet in no time," Claudia smiled, feeding Jenna and refilling the spoon.

"I know! Then we can go on walks and I can show you my dogs and— and..." Jenna furrowed her eyebrows as she stopped chewing, her jaw locking as she attempted to move it.

It broke Claudia's heart to see such a bright young angel suffering through life like this, she prayed that someday Jenna would be free from her illness.

"It's okay Jenna, take it easy, I'll get Dr. Mathis in here to check on you." Claudia smiled warmly as Jenna shook her head, her eyes widening as Claudia held a napkin under Jenna's chin, "you can spit it out, we can use your tube for today." Claudia said, a warm smile disguising the sadness that she felt.

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