Chapter 8

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I suddenly find myself in a store, with a shopping cart, searching for weapons. This isn't exactly what "normal" people do, but it's pretty cool to look around at different gadgets and gizmo's that can shred someone in less than a minute.

That is, unless you're with your nemesis. Then, things can go terribly wrong. 

Dr. Moskowitz looks around the room picking out the baddest, dangerous weapons in the store. All I'm thinking is that I have to make it through the day without showing any sign of anxiety. None whatsoever.  He turns back to me, smiling with a grin from ear to ear while I give him one back, although I don't feel any happier. We first start off at the gun area, where they have everything from Bebe guns to rifles. He takes a rifle and pretends to pull the trigger.

"Don't shoot!" I yell, quickly putting my arms up in order to defend myself.

"Relax Joanne! I wouldn't pull the trigger at you!" He puts the weapon back on the wall.

Yes he would. After he found out that I am not really "Joanne". 

I quickly glance around and see the most easiest weapons that have been around since a long time ago. A slingshot. Something I can easilly dodge and afford not to get attacked by. I pretend to be surprised and run up to Dr. Moskowitz showing off the silly wooden object.

"Dad! Look! I found a slingshot! This could be really useful! You get to aim in the right direction without looking through a tube and you get to shoot her down easier!" I over exaggerate.

"Joanne, she could easilly dodge whatever I place into it." Dr. Moskowitz groaned.

"Not unless you distract her!" I plead.

"Sorry Joanne, I don't think it will work as well." 

I sadly place the slingshot back on the shelf with the other sharp things I see next to me. Chills start running up and down my spine as I see Dr. Moskowitz investigate the other dangerous objects. He picks up a Bebe gun and pretends to aim towards me. I duck and hit the ground. Hard.

Please don't shoot. Please don't shoot! I think loudly.

He laughs and holds out his hand for me to grab. I stand up on my own and rub the lint and dust from the floor off of my clothing. Dr. Moskowitz slowly eyes the Bebe gun and then shrugs his shoulders. He places it back on the shelf. Thank god. 

After a few more minutes of searching, he gives up and walks over to a fellow worker and asks him for his advice.

"Excuse me, but do you know any weapons that would defeat a certain, skilled spy?" Dr. Moskowitz asks. 

He called me skilled? Cool.

The man, who had curly hair, glasses, and was quite big, turned and shuddered at the villain's presence. "Umm which spy are you talking about exactly?"

"Grace-Nicolle Genova. The most talented, sneaky spy in the world."

This just gets better and better. First he calls me skilled, then talented? I'm impressed.

"Grace-Nicolle Genova? Right... Okay then. Walk this way." The worker, Brian, walks towards the tank section.

Wait a minute, tank section? With the big, green, military things? I don't think I can go up against that.

I gulp down saliva and follow them with sweat dripping down my palms. 

"Here it is. The Turbo-Tank 2000. It comes with everything an evil villain like yourself would need to defeat... uh... Grace-Nicolle Genova." Brian steps out of Dr. Moskowitz's way.

The Turbo-Tank 2000 was an army green painted, rusty, large tank with one big long stick thing where the bullets would come out. I don't understand how Dr. Moskowitz would be able to take control of a tank that is bigger than himself, and how he would fit it in his house! I bite my lip. I'll learn how to find my way around this.

"Daddy, this is pretty scary. I think the slingshot would have been much better." I try to convince him.

 "Joanne," he puts his arm around my shoulders, "this is perfectly safe. I will teach you the basics of this tank so that maybe you would be able to use this when it's an emergency. Maybe you could defeat G.N Genova!"

Yes! He's going to teach me how to work it! Perfect.

"Okay. That sounds great. Let's buy it! I'm getting hungry!" I say impatiently so that he would leave quicker.

Brian turns to us and eyes Dr. Moskowitz, "Sir, this item needs to be shipped due to being so large. It will cost about one thousand and twenty dolars with shipping and handling." 

Dr. Moskowitz looks up at the deadly weapon once again and then shakes hands with Brian. "Deal."

Brian holds out his hands expecting Dr. Moskowitz to give him the money. Dr. Moskowitz begins to dig for his wallet and then asks "Would a credit card be okay?". Brian nods his head while taking his American Express credit card to the cash register. He swipes it and then gives it back to Dr. Moskowitz.

"Okay sir. This weapon will come in about three to four business days. Thank you for shopping!" Brian talks like an over excited salesperson. 

Dr. Moskowitz places his card back in his wallet and smiles towards Brian and I. 

"This is great! We'll have her in no time!" Dr. Moskowitz cheers.

That isn't the least of my problems. The only thing is the tank. How am I going to learn to defeat him? I can't learn without practicing! If only Dr. Gordon taught me more advanced karate skilled. But, hand to hand combat can't beat a tank. 

Three to four business days, huh? I'll figure something out.

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