Chapter 11

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Dr. Moskowitz paces around my room thinking of a devious plan for me to kill myself. His head jerks up, but then he lowers it after he realizes that his plan is idiotic. I sit on my bed, trying to process the information he has given me. 

So, disguised as Joanne, I'm supposed to kill myself with the wretched tank. 

How am I going to pull this off? He'll definitely want to see the body, so I can't play dead. In addition, changing in and out of my clothes would be very difficult. Furthermore, I think he would notice if I put fake blood or ketchup all over myself, and then my cover would be blown. I grip onto the pastel bed sheets until my knuckles turn white, hoping that Dr. Moskowitz will forget about this whole plan because this is going to be much harder than I thought.

"She's smart, that G.N, we need to trick her in some way. But, what are her weaknesses?" Dr. Moskowitz sits down next to me. My face turns a ghostly white. 

I think to myself, as if I'd ever tell him my weaknesses.

"Well," I begin, "you've battled against her for awhile. Yes, she does seem awfully cunning, but don't you remember at least one thing that made her tremble the slightest?" I make him think.

He places a hand to his chin, and I see wrinkles forming at the top of his forehead, "Well, I do remember that one time where I knocked her out unconscious and dropped her in a tube full of water. I even tied her up! Hands and feet! However she managed to escape by unplugging the drain... with her teeth."

I forge a small smile. I remember that day, and I did panic at first. But, that drain was in plain sight! He didn't do a good job of hiding it.

"So, maybe don't do anything with water again..." I suggest, I recall that after that mission, I spent the next three weeks learning how to hold my breath underwater for a long period of time. Unfortunately, I got up to about forty five seconds.  

"What about the time when I put her in a room full of lasers, and when if she went through them, an alarm would go off, and it would send a searing pain down her whole body. However, she managed to crawl through each tiny space and manage to sneak up behind me and give me a severe neck injury..." He rubs the back of his neck. 

"I don't think you should knock her out first. It would take awhile for her to get used to her surroundings, which would be good for an attack, but she's a genius. And I think if you put a genius in a room full of lasers, I think she would know not to touch it." I say honestly.

He frowns and leans toward me, I lean back, raising an eyebrow as he scans me from head to toe.

"Joanne, how do you know all of this information? It's almost as if you've been acquainted with G.N Genova." He questions.

"Umm... I-I..." I try to think of a quick excuse. I turn my head around the room and see a pamphlet for the school she attends. "There was a class I took about it. About how to problem solve, even in the stickiest situations. I obviously got an A." I laugh and his frown returns to a smile.

"That's my girl. See? This is exactly why you're going to eliminate her." 

"I'm glad you can trust me, father."

All of the sudden, Dr. Moskowitz has a gleam in his eye. As soon as I say the word "father," bells seem to chime and he keeps saying the word over and over again. Then I realize, I have no mother or father. That is my weakness.

I refer back to that nightmare I had about the previous mission, where I had to pretend to be a lost child looking for his mother. He's going to blackmail me by referring to past memories of my parents. 

"Father... Mother.... Joanne, that's perfect! You shall mention the fact how her mother and father aren't around to love her, or to care for her, or to save her in these terrible conditions, and threaten to hurt her companions, whether it's other spies or her boss, Dr. Gordon. Or her clumsy butler, Fletcher."

Anger flushed through me, only I get to call him clumsy!

"As for the rest of the mission, that is up to you. I want you to take the skills that you learned from your problem solving class and put them into good use. This is our little mission. Operation: Eliminate G.N Genova." He laughs maliciously.

I laugh along beside him. 

This is the first time that I've done two missions at once. I feel like a double agent. Except, for one mission, I'm working with the good guy, and for the other, I'm working with the enemy.

When Dr. Moskowitz exits my room, I grab my watch and send a video message to Dr. Gordon.

Me: Just got word from Dr. Moskowitz that I am going to annihilate G.N myself. I don't know how I'm going to solve this, but he wants Joanne to bring up the fact that my parents are dead. The tank hasn't arrived yet, but if you have any ideas on how I could fake my own death that would be splendid. I feel like a double agent, and to be honest, it's kind of exciting. Send my love and best wishes to Aristotle and Fletcher. Goodnight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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