Chapter 2

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A new mission? Already? How can Dr. Moskowitz be in jail for only three weeks? I quickly replay the video over and over again to put this fresh in my mind. Training room at 2:00. I look over at the clock: 12:30. An hour and a half until training for my next mission. I'm surprised though, a mission? Now? I thought it would be at least another week. I get on my spy suit and quickly look over the last missions I've been on in the past. I put it back on my shelf and walk downstairs to the transport pod. In our house, we have many different pods. The Transport Pod (transports you places), The Disguise Pod (also used as a bathroom), The Stylist Pod (in case we need to look like a different person on a mission) The Trapdoor Pod (a trapdoor), and countless others. I open the door and cross my arms over my chest as I plummit at least four stories downward to the Training Room. Other rooms fly by fast as I drop. When I arrive, I stagger around because of the dizziness. Dr. Gordon greets me by the door. 

"Welcome, G.N." Dr. Gordon smiles.

The room is filled with chemicals and potions and has different training areas. For example, camoflouge, karate, and more. I walk over to the karate station with Dr. Gordon.

"I didn't know he would escape so early! I thought he would at least wait one more week!" I replied.

"I didn't think so either. In fact, I didn't even think he could even escape!"

"Well, it's my job to make him not escape anymore. To flinch at the name of G.N Genova!"

"That, you are doing stupendously."

"So, what are we learning today?"

"Reviewing basic karate moves."

"Why not get a little more advanced?"

"Not yet G.N, you have to wait until the missions get more complicated. This one however, will be a mild bump in the road. Just like last mission."

"Don't get me started with last mission."

"Why not?"

"It still gives me nightmares. Fletcher thinks it's because of my parents!"

"Well, during the mission you did pretend to have parents."

"It's not the same."

"Fletcher is only trying to protect you." 

"He says I should give up spying for now."

"That you are not going to do."

"I know! He can't make me."

"Enough with Fletcher, lets begin with some training."

I start kicking and punching and choking the plastic mannequin as Dr. Gordon keeps talking to me. 

"G.N, I know it's a touchy subject but... How are you feeling about your parents? Anything you would like to talk about?" Dr. Gordon asks.

I stop and suck in my breath. I haven't been able to let out my feelings lately because of all of my missions. Maybe now is a good time.

"It was too soon. I needed to learn more before they just... You know." I say.

"I see."

"I told them that I should've came with them. Maybe if I came, they wouldn't be... Dead." 

"That's a different mystery to find out."

"I wish they were still here. I wish they knew about my previous missions."

"They know about most of the missions you've done and they are proud of you. I don't think there has ever been any spies that has continued there job ever since the age of two."

"True, I am pretty awesome."

"You are a wonderful child, G.N."

"I'm not a child. I'm a pre-teen. A tween. I'll be a teen this July."

"Ha ha yes. You are a tween."

I go back to my ritual punching and kicking until the dummy's head falls off. It's nothing big. It happens all of the time when I practice for a mission. I admit, it would be awesome if I kicked the head off of Dr. Moskowitz. Dr. Gordon soon comes back hiding something behind his back. 

"I wanted to give you something G.N." He says, holding out specific items that look like nun-chucks. 

I gape at the nun-chucks. No way! I've always wanted these! I give Dr. Gordon a tight hug.

"They were your fathers, I thought now is the right time to give them to you. Since you are a tween."

I laugh a little until my watch beeps. Video message from Fletcher. I press play and Fletcher appears on the screen.

Need any drink, food, anything? Nice nun-chucks by the way. 

Oh Fletcher, sneaky Fletcher. I reply with a video message back.

No thanks Fletcher. P.S: Your fly is open.

Right now, Fletcher would be gripping onto his pants hoping that no one has seen his baby blue underwear (I was once trying to find a boy's overcoat when apparently I looked in the wrong place). I look back at Dr. Gordon.

"Do you think I've become a better spy since the accident?" I ask.

"You have been improving. But, you were always a marvelous spy." 

"Thanks Dr. Gordon."

"No problem G.N. I think we don't need to train anymore. You may go to your room where Fletcher will deliver all of the things you may need to know about this mission."


I go back to the Transport Pod and I rush up four stories again. On my bed lays a manilla folder filled with countless papers. I decide that I will read this later and go down to the weapon room to get my supplies together for the next mission. I don't care if Fletcher wants me to spy or not, but spying is in my blood, and I can't live without it.

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