Chapter Fourteen: New Companions

Start from the beginning

To Kiba

Kiba is looking around the Pridelands with Adolph, "It's a pretty place." Kiba said
"Yes it is dear." Adolph said
Nemesis pops up, "Hello you two." he said
"Um hello, who are you?" Kiba asked
"I'm Nemesis, and you must be the new jackal pack." he said
"I'm Kiba, and he's Adolph, and we are African wild dogs." she said
Adolph walks up with a stern face, "Nemesis, what are you here for?" he asked
"I am here for a favor, that lion named Vitani, you know her by any chance?" Nemesis asked
"Yes, she spoke to us earlier, she very nice but at the same time, very farce." Kiba said
"She's more scarier than she looks, but respects the circle of life." Nemesis said
"What's the favor Nemesis?" Kiba asked
"I gonna help you, Vitani is not a good lion, I will let you hunt when ever you want." Nemesis picks up a bug from the ground, "The circle of life should defend itself, it doesn't need help, I've seen it myself, so I see animals have two choices, they adapt to their environments or they die out, and the Pridelands, the circle of life here is respected way too much." Nemesis said
"What do you mean Nemesis?" Kiba asked
"What I'm saying is you should join me, help me take over this land, and have the circle of life defend itself." Nemesis said
Kiba knows doesn't except Nemesis but at the same time, she knew she couldn't take on Nemesis alone, "I'll think about it Nemesis." she said
"Glad to hear that, come to the outlands if a make your decision." Nemesis said walking off
"We not gonna join his side, are we?" Adolph asked
"Of course not, I am going to Vitani and tell her about this, you go warn the rest of our pack." Kiba said
"Of course dear." Adolph said
Kiba runs to pride rock while Adolph goes to the pack and warn them about Nemesis.

To Vitani

Vitani walks in with the flowers, she puts it down by Simba, "Simba, a new African wild dogs came, one of them said that this will cure the scorpion venom." she said
"Who are these dogs?" Simba asked
"I don't know but the one who gave me these flowers was the oldest among them." Vitani said
"Well, if they say if it cures scorpion venom, than I guess we can trust them." Simba said
"I already do Simba."Vitani said
Simba eats the flowers, it has a slight foul taste to it but Simba manages to swallow it, instantly, Simba becomes drowsy after a few minutes, Rafiki walks in the cave, "Simba, what's going on here?" he asked
"These flowers, I've been told that it cures scorpion venom." Vitani said
Rafiki picks up the flower, "So it does, let see how well it works." he said
Kiba runs in, "Vitani, you know any lion named Nemesis?" she asked
"Um yes, he's been attacking us, he took down our king, why do you ask?" Vitani asked
"He came to me and asked me to join him, he said the circle of life should defend itself." Kiba said
"He asked you to join him?" Vitani asked
"Yes he did." Kiba said
"I have an idea, pretend to join him, we have an allies that is trapped in the outlands." Vitani said
"Are you sure?" Kiba asked
"Yes, I'm sure, if he does anything to you, or any of your pack members, run to us, we will stop him." Vitani said
"Okay Vitani, I'll go tell my pack" Kiba said walking out

To Makini

Makini is still inside the orb of Mystery with Ezekiel, "Ezekiel, how are you still alive?" she asked
"I'm not alive, this is just my spirit, we are in the orb Makini, in here, you can practice it." Ezekiel said
"How did you get into the orb?" Makini asked
"Before I escaped Ajax, I casted a spell that puts my spirit into this orb when I die, now let's practice these spells, no more questions." Ezekiel said
"Okay, how do we do it? oh sorry, that was a question." Makini said
"That kind of question is okay Makini, now, put down the staff like your going to dig into the ground, this should cause a bright white light, this will blind all your enemies and allow you to escape." Ezekiel said
Makini stomps down the staff, a blinding white light illuminates, "So this will blind my enemies." Makini said
"Yes but for a short time, it will give you enough time to escape, now the next one causes a shockwave, stomp down the staff." Ezekiel said
Makini stomps down the staff, a shockwave comes from the orb,"Ezekiel, what does this spell do?" Makini asked
"That spell will knock back your enemies, if they are too close to you, you can use it to your advantage, but the next spell one is going to be difficult and will require a lot of conditration." Ezekiel said
"What is this going to be, am I going to make the wet season dry, am I going to move to entire Tree of Life to the Pridelands, oh no, am I going to move clouds around and make shapes?" Makini asked
"Makini, calm down, this spell will reflect the roar of the elders or in this case, the roar of evil, now put both of your hands on the staff and be ready to stomp it on the ground." Ezekiel said
Makini puts both of her hands on the staff and prepares, Ezekiel summon Kion, Makini stops in her tracks, "Ezekiel, I can't hurt Kion, even if it's just for practice." Makini said
"Kion isn't a target here." Ezekiel summon Ajax on the other side of him, "He is the target, I want you to try and hit him and than we can start to use Kion for another time." Ezekiel said
Ajax roars at Makini, Makini tries to absorb the roar but fails, the roar goes straight through, this hits Makini but it doesn't hurt her, Ezekiel has toned down all the roar but will increase it when Makini gets better, "try a little harder Makini, like I said, it requires a lot of contrition." Ezekiel said.

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