Chapter 13

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Over the couple weeks, I was more like a loner or just hanging out with Avery when she wasn't busying with school. Tonight was my first game so that was excitedly. Arianna and Aaron were growing closer by the minute or by the hour. Una was having fun being on the swim team. They meet every other day. Logan has gotten on my nerve lots of time especially when I see him with Ave; using her for his advantage not even knowing that she has feelings too. Diego is an okay person. Not to mention he's on the tourney team along with me so I talk to him more often then anyone else.

"This is a nail-biter, folks. There's 47 seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood falcons, two. The fighting knights, two. What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals" the Announcer announced while the cheer leaders cheered for us. I had no choice but to work with Logan but as long as we win, I'm ok

"Get 'em, Logan," I called out to him. "Thanks, Henry," Logan called out to me. "The teams get into their huddles and take up positions along the kill zone. Akiho! The dragoneers have been laying down a withering hail of fire" Announcer said. "You're up" Coach said to me. "And now a substitution..." the Announcer announced. "Coach, how about my buddy here?" I asked getting Aaron to stand up. I knew that he wanted to impress Arianna. And normally I am not this nice. God, Auradon is changing me, normally, I wouldn't even think about helping anyone well besides my family and Avery. "Oh, no. Not so sure about that" Coach told me. "Coach, He's been practicing," I told him. "Henry," Coach said. "Henry, I'm not that good" Aaron told me but Ignored it. "Please" I pleaded and normally, I don't beg or pleaded and I hate it. "Come here! You heard him. Get out there!" Coach told to Aaron. "Henry, I'm not..." Aaron tried to tell me but I interrupted him. "You got this besides How are you supposed to impress Arianna?" I told him/asked/stated.

"He's bringing that hothead Henry in from the Isle of the Lost and that little guy Aaron can barely hold a shield" Announcer said. "Break!" The teamed yelled before going back out there. "When they break from their huddles, this is gonna be a big moment here. And the tipoff is ready. Here we go. Long pass goes to Henry. Henry dishes off to Aaron. Nice little block by Prince Logan. And now Henry gets the ball back.
Here comes Henry! Henry, hurdling maneuver at mid-field.
"I'm open!" Aaron exclaimed. "Henry makes a nice pass to Aaron through the kill zone" Announcer spoke out. "Henry!" Aaron told him. "Big block by Prince Logan! Aaron moves over wide, gives it back to Henry. He's in the clear! Shot! Oh, what a save by Philip the Faalcons' goalkeeper!" Announcer told through his microphone. "Come on! All right, all right, let's do it!" Diego told them. "Come on, guys! Come on, hustle, hustle!" Coach Jenkins said. "23 seconds left. You could cut the tension with a sword. The long ball is played into Henry. Henry, great jump, great leap. And a great move by Henry. Big block from Prince Logan. Henry dishes off to Aaron. And then Diego with a big block, goes down. Henry through the kill zone, picks up Diego. Oh, he's being hammered by dragon fire. Still, going on. Henry, hurdling maneuver at mid-field. He's in the clear. The ball goes back to Henry" Announcer said. "Hey, Henry!" Diego told him. "Diego?" Henry asked. "Go up! Aaron!" Diego told them.

"He passes to Aaron. He scores! Aaron of the Isle has won it! What an unselfish play by Henry! What a team! Incredible! And it's the new guy, Henry and Diego, who set up Aaron for the win here. What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever. Here they come, folks. The winners of the first tourney" Announcer told them while Auradon prep students cheered.

Yep, we won the game for the first of many games. Too bad it won't be like that for long. I kinda feel had for the Aks in the near future with Maleficent. Who knows what she'll do. She'll destroy the bright and happiness not to mention the magic. I think Aaron has mixed feelings because of Arianna. Diego is kinda like a good friend. He's so nice and a little naive same with all the other Auradon kids. Soon we started to celebrate the win, I was having so much fun that I forgot to check in on Aaron. But when I did remember, I saw him talking to Arianna. I still don't feel comfortable calling her Aria. When I was talking to Diego when I saw Avery in a black casual dress. You know when I first came here I thought the aks would judge us before they even got to know us but they were welcoming and they weren't even judging us. I don't think I could even go through with it but I had to from my Sister Anyways, I had excuse myself from Diego and walked to her but then suddenly I stopped because I saw Logan talking to her while she laughed at something. Suddenly I didn't feel like celebrating. I would talk to her later. I went back to my dorm and just looked at my ceiling. Why was I acting like this, its strange. I don't like it. When ever I see them together, my heart twists. Why is it acting like that? I have no clue. Its not like I love love her. We're villains we don't do love well besides my parents they were lucky. My grandparents were not so lucky. Sure she's my best friend. Maybe that's it, I'm not used to her dating her. And before we came here, we used to do everything together. Maybe we're growing apart? I don't know, its too confusing. The Isle was so much easier then Auradon. I used to sword fight with Dad, get into fights and I won. No one ever had beat me except dad but he had more practice. Soon it was time for dinner. I decided to take mine to go and eat in my room. Aaron will probably be busy talking with Arianna. I decided to watch a movie and some how I managed to come across a romance movie, I mean what the heck. Auradon is changing me and I don't like it, not one bit. But since there was nothing else on that was interesting to watch.

It was around midnight when Aaron came back. "Hey! I didn't see you at dinner, what's wrong?" Aaron asked as soon as he saw my frowned. "I didn't feel like celebrating" I told him. "Ah I get, girl trouble" Aaron said while nodding at that. "So who's the lucky girl that manage to steal your heart without you even noticing?" Aaron asked while sitting across from me. "I'm not in love or something" I told him while denying. "Oh your in denial" Aaron told me while eating his dessert that he brought back from dinner. "So anyone I know?" Aaron asked curious. "I told you I'm not in love" I told him while trying to keep my anger in check. "Hmm, if you aren't having girl trouble or even in love or have a crush. Why are you watching romantic movies and why are you upset unless you didn't see something you like with the girl" Aaron abserved/concluded. "I was bored, there wasn't anything interesting on and I wanted to passed the time plus I was just tired that's all" I told him while trying to not to remember Avery with Logan. "If you say so, oh guess what!" Aaron told me while shrugging before bursting in happiness. "What?" I asked confused. "I had took your advise about Aria and I had asked her on a date and see how that goes and she had said yes this Saturday" Aaron told me. "But I have no idea what to do for the date and I wanted to make her more relax so she wouldn't be so stressed" Aaron told me stressed out about what to do for the date. "Relax, I'm sure you can come up with something" I told him. "Yeah, but I want to impress her. "I watch some romantic movies and it showed that most girls want to see if the guy cares for them. You don't have to do something big, just be yourself and it will be fine. But remember do something simple and somewhere away from prying eyes" I told him. "Something simple? Hmm?" Aaron thought. After few minutes, Aaron was glowing like when you got a inspiration. "Like a picnic?" Aaron asked hopeful. "Sure, but make it meaningful" I told him while going to my bed to lay down on my stomach. "Thanks, Henry. And maybe your girl troubles will turn out alright in the end and who knows maybe you will fall in love when you least expect because that certainly happened to me" Aaron told me while I said nothing. "Night!" I told him while turning off the TV and had used my magic to proof up my pajama pants and a red t-shirt. I quickly changed and hopped into bed, "Night, Henry" Aaron told me before turning off the light.

A/n: the four have been in Auradon for six weeks. We're getting to family day, now it will go a little differently since the kids are nicer then the last generation.

Now as for the ships.

Fun fact: At first I was going to ship. Henry and Arianna but decided against it since Aaron and Arianna looked cute together.

Ships so far-
Aaron x Arianna

Henry and Avery will be end game since they are my favorite ship besides Arion- Arianna x Aaron

I feel like Logan and Avery should be just feel like a brother and sister to each other.  Fun fact, when I was writing Avery and Logan, I forgot their parents were step cousins.

I can see Avery trying to change Logan for the better. But Avery and Henry complents their personality.

Thank you

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