Chapter 1

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Alright where were we? Right, I was telling about the party, I had created, at first I didn't want her there but I wanted to ruin her her year for her. So I had decided to change my mind and invited her. At first I was cunning and manipulative towards her thinking I had her best interest at heart. Evie eventually made it and I tricked her into Cruella's closet where she kept her bear traps to keep her fur coats at. Not a pleasant thing I wanted to relieve. I was younger when I was in the fur closet with the bear traps. I gave Carlos, Cruella's son a choice and one he made, he had helped Evie and which they bonded from the talked when they made it to Carlos room.

Evie and Carlos unknowingly poked through the barrier and had let some magic in which awoken Diablo who had been turned to stoned. I hate Diablo who I had to compete for my mother's affection which was pointless because she favors the bird over her daughter. ok, I may be a little jealous, I spent my whole life to get her affection and all the sudden this bird shows up and Mother showers him with affection. I was and will always be second towards my mother.  At least with Harry, I know I will always be first. I never wanted my kids to feel the way I felt by competing for my mothers affections. So I don't pick favorites, I love my kids equally. Harry might have a favorite but that is because we only have a daughter. Anyways my mothers scepter had come back to life and my mother wanted me to get. I never wanted to disappoint my mother because she was always disappointed by me so I agreed. Later that night I went to our safe haven from everything. I started thinking about what would happened if I did find her scepter. I was so distracted that I didn't hear Harry sneaked up behind me and place his hands on my shoulders before sitting next to me.

He asked me what's wrong and I ended up telling him what my mother told me. He was a little unsure if the scepter was here. And he was a little afraid of the dangers that I could be in but he didn't voice it because he knew I could protect myself. I told him that I am going to get it and come back in a week. He knew that he couldn't change my mind but he did told me to be safe. We fell asleep there and then he woke me to watch the sunset before I have to leave to find the scepter.

Two days after Carlos party, I prepared to find the scepter. Jay on the other hand was also unsure if it was on here but his father wanted him to steal it but he didn't. Jay's father told us about Nowhere and Jay phad came with me to help find it. We had came across Evie who I wanted to come with to make her fall under a sleeping spell. She told us about Carlos invention that had poked through the barrier. So we well I decided that we should go and check it out.

Of course it did help us out it led us to the scepter but before that Carlos didn't want to come nor give us  his invention either. So he decided to go with us if Evie comes. Turns out it worked in my favor at the time. Unfortunately we couldn't go until Carlos finished his chores. I decided for my job is to supervise while the others clean. We were almost done when Cruella came in and told Carlos to wash her baby which was her car.
It felt exhausting just from watching the others. Carlos, Jay, and Evie had washed Cruella's car while I watched. It felt like we were stuck at Cruella's house forever eventually we made it at Dragon Hall searching for a map that would show us the way to Nowhere. We had gave Dr. Facilier an entrance fee to get into the forbidden library. Dr. Facilier had gave us a map but it was covered in invisible ink. I had gotten angry and slammed Dr. Facilier against the shelf that had held the antidote that had been shattered when It fell to the ground when I had  pushed him against the shelf.

We had left Dr. Facilier at his office and headed to Chem lab where Carlos made the antidote but was missing an vital that was stolen by Reza, Carlos rival. We were lucky that Jay had stolen it from Reza and had it on him. With the last ingredient Carlos was able to make the antidote which made the map form before our eyes. I made sure Carlos had his compass. We had set off with Carlos in front with Jay, Evie just behind him and me in the back. When we were walking, I felt someone watching when I looked up, I saw Harry watching while waving. I knew I couldn't do anything without setting the rest of my crew off so I had just wave. I felt safe with him around, I knew he couldn't come with or else exposing everything that we had hid.

At the time, I knew Jay would try to steal the Dragon's Eye for himself when he get the chance. I also knee Evie was trying to get on my good side and that Carlos only joined was because he was curious. But it didn't matter, we all had the same common goal. To find the Dragon's Eye. I felt safer not going into Nowhere alone. Unbeknownst to us that we had started bonding during the adventure so we had my mother to thank if wasn't for her to send me to get her scepter I wouldn't have bonded with Carlos or Evie Nor Jay. We wouldn't have become a gang.

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