Chapter 5

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After almost being covered in sand we decided to continued on. The faster we get the scepter the faster we can leave, I really hate this castle. I had enough of it for a lifetime. The next challenge was less life threatening so I didn't have anything to worried about. We followed Carlos down a narrowed path until we went onto a new path. The corridors kept branching off, splitting into two new or sometimes three directions. The rumbling continued beneath us. That castle really didn't like us. Another stone broke off nearly crushing Evie's head. It felt like a maze like we were lost but we weren't because of Carlos's box. We continued following until we had to crunch down to avoid the ceiling.

All three of us except Carlos guessed that the room was made for mice, dwarfs or children. Carlos disagreed while pointing to something in the dark distance. We followed to what Carlos was pointing at first a pair of green eyes, then another and another. Man danger keeps following me wherever I go. It was goblins, the box had led us into the goblin dens. And those weren't the friendly ones at the goblin wharf Nor the rude ones from the slop shop. They were horrible creatures that lived in darkness for twenty years without their mistress. Hungry and horrible. Evie and I told the boys to run with Evie in front and me behind her. We ran until Evie found a door. Evie was first then me and next was the boys. Once they came in, we slammed the door shut. We waited until the goblins were gone before going down a hidden hall, Evie stopped in front of a mirror which showed an old woman with a crooked nose and wearing a black cape pointed right back.

The mirror reflected as an old woman. Evie and Carlos wanted to go back and face the goblins while Jay and I didn't mind. Next thing I knew the mirror started talking. It was asking for the ingredients to a potion.

"Fairest you are, and
fairest you will be again,
If you prove you are wise
And declare all the ingredients needed
for a peddler's disguise,"

The magic mirror said. Evie was too distraught to even remember the spell. So I had to encourage her and make her feel better until she was able to remember the spell. She had name all the ingredients making our reflections turn back to normal. As we walked, I kept thinking about what I told Evie that how everything had been a test. Carlos has faced the gargoyles, and Jay, the cave of wonders. And Evie with the magic mirror. I thought about what would my test/challenge would it be dangerous or would it be even more like my mother to ignore me altogether? To leave me alone, and think I wasn't worthy of any kind at all. Now that I looked back on on it, I think my test was to see if I would let Evie take Dragon's Eye along with the quick nap, I had when I touched the Dragon's Eye. I could almost hear my sixteen your old self hearing my mother's voice whisperings; what is there to test, Mal? You aren't like me. You're weak, like your father. You don't even deserve your own name. 

As I was walking, I could feel the pull of the Dragon's Eye beckoning to me to come. I question if it was my destiny. We had stopped in front of my mother's throne rooms doors. I didn't realize early that Carlos had turned of his box because I was too lost in my thoughts. I had pushed opened the doors taking it all in. Darkness and power. The shadow and light. Ceilings as high as the sky, back as smoke. Windows spanning whole walls, through which my Mother could manipulate an entire world. Carlos looked like he wanted to bolt right then and there.

It looked sad and depressing, unhappy home, all dark and no light. And right in the middle of the room stood my mother's throne with two stairs on either side. We figured out that my mother wanted to keep her scepter out of reach from anyone but able to see it. I imagine my mother sitting here, clutching her staff. I kept thinking how my mother would have no problem cursing any of the people in that room for ten thousand years. When I suddenly Evie had interrupted my thoughts by pointed at the tall black staff with a dim green globe at its top against the far wall.

It was just as we thought, it was in my vision hanging up far from anyone reached. Where it could not be reach. Evie was the closest to reaching it. I had a decision to make to either let Evie touched the scepter and be cursed or saved her. It was just beyond her grasp. The scepter was beckoning Evie to touch it like with Aurora and the spinning wheel. I thought about how I would be betraying my mother's wishes and giving up my dreams of becoming something more then a disappointment. I thought would I be content of only being a Mal my whole entire life and never a Maleficent. I froze, Unable to decide. When I finally went into action without thinking, I was content of being a Mal because Harry likes me for me, he never asked me to be something I'm not. Evie was shocked when suddenly a familiar voiced boomed from the Dragon's Eye.


My mothers voiced kept echoing leaving a really impression behind her. I wondered what would happened to Harry, if I fell asleep for a thousand years. Would he be my true loves? Is he? I had promised to be safe and that I would come back to him. I had failed to keep my promised at that time. Anyways when I awoke I was on a ground with three companions at first I thought was my thousand years was up. I saw I was lying on the floor of the throne room as they looked nervous next Thing I knew I was in a palace with Queen Leah and King Stefan and the baby in a cradle. I saw huge, gaily dressed crowd of courtiers and servants and guests assembled in the throne room. There were the two good fairies hovering above with their sparkling wands.

Then all of the sudden a green ball of fire appeared in the middle of the room, and when it dispersed, I saw my mother all in her glory. Mother looked angry. I could feel her magic radiating off her. She started talking about not being invited to Aurora's christening. I had no idea that my mothers hatred for parties was because of that one party. I had felt exactly the same thing when Evil Queen thrown her party for Evie, all those years ago and had kept me out. I had watched as she cursed Aurora to sleep for a hundred years if she pricked her finger on the spinning wheel. Deep down, I was proud of her even if I don't admit it. Mother had raised me the best as she could alone, and gotten by as best she could. At that moment I felt pity, maybe even compassion. I was sad for her while the crowd saw a monster, a terror, devil, a witch, cursing a beautiful princess. But I saw only a hurt little girl acting out of spite and angry and insecurity. At that moment, I wanted to hug her reach out and tell her its alright. My vision had turned black and before I knew I had fallen.

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