Chapter 9

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Henry's Pov

It was a normal day last month, I was stealing, sword fighting and going to school. When suddenly when I got home, I saw my younger Brother who I watched out for when I'm not busying in tears and my parents; Harry and Mal who is the Children of Captain Hook and Maleficent who disowned my parents because they fell in love. It was a romantic story that my little sister liked hearing for bedtime. That's when I noticed that Lori wasn't hear. "Mom? Where's Lori?" I asked a little afraid of the answer. "She was taken" Liam told me before bursting in tears again. "What?!?" I asked quietly afraid. "What happened?" I asked softly trying to control my anger because Liam doesn't deserve it. "W-W-We were on our way home when we were jumped, I tried to fight off our attackers but there was another attacker and that was when Lori screamed. I had tried to get to her but I was too late, she was gone" Liam told me while sniffling. "Liam, did the right thing running straight home, we'll go searching for her, Henry stay here with your brother" Mom told me while I nodded. "Your in charge, don't let anyone inside the ship" Dad told me serious. "Yes, sir" I told him while rising my arm to my forehead while he laughed at my antics before leaving with mom.

"Its ok, mom and dad will find her," I told him while trying my best to comfort him. Liam just nodded. It felt like hours since they left but it was actually six hours not even a 24 hours since Lori was taken. I was worried for my favorite little sister even though she's my only little sister. Liam is my favorite little brother. I tried to distract Liam from thinking about what happened and it worked for awhile when suddenly we heard a creaked on top of the ship. "Stay here" I told him but he was just as stubborn as me and wouldn't take no for an answer. So I let him come a long with me to check out to see if Mom and Dad were back when suddenly I felt my hair stayed still and that's when I knew there was danger nearby. When I turned around I saw goblins and that's when I knew who it was. My Grandmother, I hate her for what she put my mom through. Especially caring for a bird more then my mom. Especially when she tried so hard to gained the approval. "Henry!" Liam said a little frightened by the goblins who surrounded. "Ah, my grandchildren, I was wondering when you were going to show up" Maleficent said in delight that sounded so fake at least to me. "What do you want, you never gave a damn about me or my siblings" I told her while crossing my arms while Liam went stayed behind me. We always tried to avoid where Maleficent lived when we go into town. "Can't I just visited my own blood?" Maleficent said in a fake happy tone. "What do you want?" I asked trying very hard to avoid my temper. "Straight to the point, you must've gotten that from that rotten Pirate now, I have job for you. "Whatever you want, I won't do it least of all you" I told her. "Not even for your sister, oh well" Maleficent said while sighing before walking away. What did she mean, I thought. "Wait!," I yelled out to her while putting my hand out to her. "What about my sister?" I asked nervous afraid of what the answer would be. "You see, a partner of mine had a minion attacked your brother while he stole your sister, it was very entertaining getting to know your sister now if you ever want to see your sister again; you will do as I say" Maleficent threatened making me get angry. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER" I yelled out loud. "Ah ah,, Temper, you don't want to harm your sister, would you?" Maleficent told me/ asked me. God, I hate her so much. "Reminds me of your grandfather, now meet me at my home tomorrow" Maleficent told me before calling out her minions to follow her. I hope she's alright. After she left, I turned around and saw my brother in tears. I hate her so much, she made my brother cry. We went back inside to our shared room. I tried to sleep but couldn't, who knows what that witch could do to Lori the kindest soul in our family. She wasn't made for the Isle. Soon we heard our parents walking downstairs talking softely. I got up with Liam following me. "Boys? What are you doing up its late?" Mom asked concerned. "We couldn't sleep" I told her. "I know, you two miss Lori and we'll find her but its too late to keep searching, we'll go out searching once the sun rises" dad told us. "Don't bother, we found out what happened" I told them in anger. "I don't think I understand? What do you mean?" Mom asked concerned and a little confused. Mom saw my brother on the verge of crying opened her arms for him to come to her to lay down to comfort him. "Grandma arrived" I told them which made Mom stop her from run her hand through Liam's hair. "What!" Mom said concerned and a little shocked. "She arrange the whole attack on Liam and Lori" I told them which made dad closed his fist. "What did she want?" Mom asked while trying to stop from yelling. I guess that where I get my temper. "I don't know, she wanted me to do something for her" I told them. "She threatened Henry about Lori" Liam blurted out. "What!" Mom yelled. Thanks a lot, I thought. "We're going to get your sister back. You'll do nothing for her. I won't let her harm any one of you, I promised, go to bed; we'll go in the morning to get Lori back" Mom told us.

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