Chapter 2

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We had just made it to the shore where there was grey fog surrounding the edge of the shore. Where we would have to walked through the mist. At the time, I wondered if we did would we become nobody. We walked in silence while Jay scouted ahead. Jay had come back when all the sudden Jay had saw something in the shadow. Carlos had tried to climbed a tree. Jay hid behind a rock and Evie well she doved behind some BlackBerry bushes while me, I stood in place being annoyed at hiding from anything. A creature came out of the shadows, I thought it was a dragon with large horns and a spiky tail. Turns out it was Carlos cat that he had gotten at Evie's six birthday. Suddenly they all started talking about their evil sidekicks until Evie had asked me what my evil sidekick. I was jealous that I wasn't invited to her birthday. I told her I don't have one. For awhile it was quiet when we had finally stood face to face with the gray fog that circled the Island and marked the edge of nowhere.

Jay, Evie and Carlos didn't want to go first so I went first but not before calling them Cowards. I might not told them but I was afraid and I had to keep telling myself that nothing could hurt me after there wasn't any magic. I had made it to the other side, I let out a breath of air that I was holding, I told them to get over there. We were literally standing on the edge. One more step and we would have fallen into the water. I didn't know what to do next that's when Carlos machine started beeping like crazy. Carlos had pointed to the sea where the scepter was kept. Jay didn't want to go into the water and I couldn't blame him. I knew it couldn't be in the water so I had pulled out the map where another section had appear. I showed them that the fortress wasn't on the isle of the lost but on its own island which was name the Isle of the Doomed. Carlos was being sarcastic when he said that's cheery.

We had run to goblin wharf to get a goblin to row us over but it came with a fee. The boat wasn't meant for four people so we had to be careful. I was sure when we arrived on the Isle of the doomed when the engine had stopped. I had scrambled blindly out of the boat and onto the rocky beach. I think if Harry was there with me he would be scared or be angry at me for running blindly into unknown places. The others followed after me. The goblins quickly sped off. The fog had lifted slightly as we made our way through the brush.

Soon we were standing in front of a gate covered with a painful looking bristly forest if thorns. And beyond that was a craggy mountaintop, stood a large black castle, a ruined, forbidding wreck silhouetted against the night sky. The thorns grew thick and twisted, so sharp, they would stab or scrape anyone who dared come near. The thorns were covered with deadly poisonous spiders; and the whole place had toxic and sinister air. We stood still unwilling to figure out what to do next, while the black box in Carlos's hands constantly beeping. Jay was the one who broke first and gave Evie and I a dagger and carlos some bug spray and for himself a ax. Where does he get these stuff and why would he carry it around. I'm still confused even after years of knowing him. We were lucking that he had the stuff to slash a path to walked. We made our way deep into the forest, slashing and spraying.

We had learned to work together especially when it rained and the dirt had turned to mud. We had to keep eachother from slipping. We helped each other. At the time, I was a little sarcastic when Jay insisted to hold hands and worked together. And I quote "Why don't we just sing sings to cheer eachother up and then weave flowers out of the mud and move to Auradon, while we're at it?" That was actually one of my funny moments of being sarcastic. We were holding eachother's hands until the rain stopped. We had made it to a oath of that leads to the long and slender stone bridge, half-shrouded in mist. We had to cross it to get to my mothers old castle, The Forbidden Fortress. The darkest place on our dark Isle. Maleficent's old lair.

We were all shocked that we found it. Especially me, I was stunned who knew it was so close to the island all along. We all felt that magnetic pull when we were there. I could feel the magic in the air but not enough to use. There was power and history in the Forbidden Fortress. Evie thought it was destiny, She said it dramatically. I was paralyzed by fear when I saw the gargoyles. Carlos was the first to react. He stepped on the bridge which made the gargoyles come to life. Carlos was scared to death and touched me that he was willing to go first without even asking because he saw how afraid I was even if I don't like to admit it. Carlos had realized the hole in the dome sparked the castle to life not just Diablo. The bridge had started to rumbling beneath our feet. The gryphons' horrible eyes glowed green, illuminating the fog around us, until they were practically shining a spotlight on us.

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