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When I woke up, Tasha and Amy were nowhere to be seen. Probably in school. I went down to get some breakfast and met mom and dad getting ready for work.

"Why are you still here?" Mom asked.

"Umm, I live here?" I would be skinned alive if she heard what I said in my mind.

One thing about African parents is, they can still whoop your ass no matter how old your are. It might be illegal in this country, but it isn't in Africa. Mom and dad have a list they keep. If you're disrespectful or too sarcastic, your name goes on the list along with the crime you committed. In case you're wondering why they keep that list, it's pretty simple. Since you can't get the 'proper spanking you need in this country', they wait until we go on our yearly visit to Africa, specifically Ghana(for y'all who think Africa is one big country and still do not know it is a continent), so that we can get the good spanking we "deserve".

It's not all too bad though. You have three strikes and your crimes are erased before Christmas. Plus it's been years since we visited. And if you make up for your crime, it is erased. The only way to do that though is to do more house chores, which apparently never seems to end.

"My arm hurts so badly that I can barely breathe much more walk to school." I ended by gasping as if I was in major need of air supply.

Mom and dad just rolled their eyes but allowed me to stay home anyways.

After breakfast and binge watching spongebob for three hours, I was bored. I love Spongebob but there's only so much a person can take before the yellow sponge and his admirably stupid starfish friend get tiring.

I had the whole day to myself and I just couldn't waste it on Spongebob no matter how tempting it was to laugh and make fun of Patrick's stupidity. That starfish is dumber than the rock he lives under. Seriously.

I guess I dozed off because the doorbell woke me up and before I could get it, Amy and Tasha walked in.

"You really need to lock the door behind you, you know?" Tasha said.

"Why would she? Look at her lying there like a half dead elephant. She's as lazy as they come." Amy grumbled.

"Well, I can see someone's in a good mood." I said to Amy, stretching as I sat up from the sofa.

"Amy, I told you to ignore it." Tasha said with a sigh.

I looked at them with a questioning look.

"Ummm..." I started

"Don't ask or else she'll start--" Tasha was cut short since Amy started rambling.

"That jerkface. How dare he? Do you know what he did? He saw Jenna and embraced her. Right in front of me! And he had the guts to ask me if I was jealous. Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" Amy paused, staring at me and waiting for me to say something.

"He did not!" I said, knowing she just wanted me to urge her on.

Tasha glared at me and I give an apologetic smile.

"I know, right? And he smirked right after he said that. That... that... dumb Patrick from Spongebob!" Amy shouted.

"Really? That's the best you can do? Patrick from Spongebob? Seriously girl, that guy has messed with your brain if that's the only insult you can think of, right now." I said, shaking my head.

Amy started to wail and Tasha glared at me again but I just shrugged. That's what she gets for calling me lazy.

"I can't even get the right word to describe how annoying he is." Amy said.

"Well--" I started to say

"Why don't we just sit down and watch a show? We can microwave the last bag of popcorn." Tasha said, cutting me off.

"Let's watch Spongebob! We can always make fun of Patrick's stupidity and compare him to Jake." I volunteered with a wide smile.

"I don't think Amy--" Tasha started to say.

"Let's watch it." Amy said with a small smile.

"Yay! That's my girl!" I said giving her a high five.


Soon we were busy laughing and fighting over popcorn with me having a great disadvantage because of my arm.

"Maybe Spongebob isn't so bad." Tasha said.

She didn't like the cartoon that much which is absurd because who doesn't like the yellow sponge who lives in his pineapple?

"I wish Jake would move to live in a pineapple under the sea." Amy said with a sigh.

You see, Jake is this guy in our class who likes to annoy Amy. A lot. Those two are always fighting and I suspect something going on between those two. I just need to investigate further. I mean think about it. The only reason Amy is this upset is because Jake hugged Jenna in front of her. That part was much obvious.

We spent the rest of the day, binge watching Spongebob and were woken up by my parents to go to bed. I guess the girls were going to stay over for another night and I wasn't complaining. It was fun to hang out with those two. We went to sleep as soon as our heads hit our bed and sleeping bags.

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