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Lana's P. O. V

So I woke up in my most least favorite place. The hospital. Being there just gave me the shivers but that wasn't what I was focused on at that moment. I had a cast around my left arm in a sling which was raised above my head. The worst aspect was how much pain I was in.

Nobody was in the room apart from a guy who's head was lowered. I closed my eyes again and groaned from the pain I was in.

"Oh you're awake," he said, "I'm going to call the doctor."

I didn't answer him and soon I heard someone entering the room. I still didn't open my eyes but I was sure it was the doctor.

"Hello Lana, I'm doctor Murphy." He said.

See? I was right and it was the doctor. Can we just take a moment to appreciate how I'm always right? He continued to say that I had fractured my arm and that he was waiting for the x-ray results. I opened my eyes to look him over and he gave me a small smile. He was a young doctor and his white lab coat fitted him well. He got interrupted by a very beautiful nurse who also happened to be young when she walked in. She was holding a tray containing some medicines and told him my x-ray results were in. They shared eye contact for a brief moment before Doctor Murphy excused himself to go check the results.

I was in so much pain so I readily accepted the painkillers she offered. Normally, it would have had to be shoved down my throat but if it was going to ease the pain a bit, then I wasn't complaining.

"I guess you're wondering where your boyfriend is, right?" She said. "Don't worry, he went to find your little brother and call your parents.

"Boyfriend? I don't have a..." my sentence was cut short by my parents bursting through the doors and bombarding me with questions before I could even fully acknowledge their presence.

"Oh my baby." My mom said. "Are you okay?"

"What happened honey?" Dad said.


"Who did this to you and why?" Mom interrupted.

"You didn't go telling people how right you always are, did you?"

"You know how many times I've told you how annoying that is, right? If you got into a fight with someone again just because of 'your awesomeness', so help me God." Mom said giving me the 'it-better-not-be-why-this-has-happened' look. That was look was almost as scary as 'shut-up-or- else' and 'don't-make-me-lose-my-patience'.

And besides she was being unfair. Even though I was absolutely awesome, I didn't go telling everyone after the fight with Amy back in grade two.

"Or did you climb a tree and try to fly. Again?" Dad asked as soon as mom finished hers.

"You'd think she'd learn from it or something. I think it'd be better if you get this in your head. You can't fly, okay? You are not a bird, child."

"Or did you slip and fall when you were trying to steal freshly baked cookies from ol' Mrs. Connell's window down the street?"

You borrow the freshly baked cookies one time and it's used against you. And it wasn't like I was the only who stole them. Sam, my little brother popularly known as 'Ant', was included. It was his fault I fell and blew up the cover. Worst part was, the little devil ran away before he was caught by Mrs. Connell. That woman may be old but she's quicker than Usain Bolt when someone's after her cookies. But were my parents willing to hear my side of the story? Noooo

I couldn't handle those allegations at that moment. Most of them weren't even my ideas yet I still got blamed. Even though the painkillers had eased it, I was still in pain. The worst part was, the pretty nurse was present and she was trying not to laugh.

Doctor Murphy walked in stopping mom and dad from asking me further questions. I had never been happier to see a doctor. He informed us that fortunately, it was a simple fracture so I didn't have to undergo surgery but I had to keep the cast on to hold the broken ends of the bone together so that they could heal.

"For how long does it have to be on?" I asked mentally preparing myself for the answer.

"For about six to eight weeks." He said with a kind smile.

"What!" I almost screamed. "What about school?"

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you tried to fly." Mom said.

"Or stolen ol' Mrs. Connell's cookies." Dad added.

The nurse excused herself because she was needed elsewhere and the doctor provided more information on how to look after my cast. He also prescribed some medicines and cautioned that my arm would feel itchy for some time but that, it would eventually go away. I had to make appointments with a specialist orthopedic doctor, Doctor Brown, to take over the care of my arm structure.

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