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I got messages from Tasha and Amy asking me what happened but I was too tired to reply. I dozed off soon after I saw the messages. I woke up late the next day and no one was home. How could they forget me like that?

I went downstairs and saw a note stuck to the kitchen door. It was in the handwriting of mom and it read:
"I'm glad you're finally awake, dear. We're in church in case you're wondering. Your dad and I thought it'd be better if you stayed home for today. We'll go visit your grandma after church closes. I've already fixed up something for you so just heat it if it's cold. I'm sure you can do that singlehandedly."

Singlehandedly? Really mom? That, right there, is what we call a bad joke. I sighed and went to find the food.

After eating, I decided to work on a little project of mine. I went into Sam's room and looked around. There was one thing he was really terrified of and they were clowns. I remembered I bought a clown costume some time ago and wondered if I could find it. I texted Amy that I needed her help right after I found it. I texted Tasha as well and they replied that they'd come over right after church. Since my parents and Ant were going to visit grandma after church, that gave me some time to put my plan into action.

I spent the rest of the day decorating Sam's room and watching prank videos on YouTube. Just as I was putting on the finishing touches, the bell rang. I hurried down and opened it.

"Why didn't you text back or answer any of our calls?" Amy said with a huff coming in.

"How's your arm?" Tasha asked with concern following right behind her.

Both of them looked so beautiful. Tasha, with her pretty face had her short blond hair curled. She was wearing a floral dress which stopped just below her knees along with sandals which had flower prints on them. Amy's beautiful Asian skin matched her long dark hair which had been pulled back into a ponytail. She was wearing blue-black jeans and a faded t-shirt which still looked good on her. On her feet were sneakers but I didn't know the brand and I sincerely didn't care.

"Sorry about getting you worried. My arm still hurts a lot but I've taken my medicine so the pain has lessened." I said.

"Oh you poor baby." Tasha sympathized

"What happened?" Amy asked.

So I told them all that had happened the previous day. From riding a bicycle to when I got home.

"Wow, that was something." Tasha said shaking her head.

"Did you see the face of the crazy stranger?" Amy asked. "Was he cute?"

"I tell you this heartbreaking story and the first thing you ask is if I saw the face of crazy stranger? And whether or not he was cute?" I said dramatically putting my hand over my chest.

Amy just rolled her eyes at me.

"Well, dear friend, since you care so much about me and my health, enough to ask me how Crazy Stranger looks like, I'm sad to disappoint but I didn't really look at him so it's difficult to tell if he was cute or not." I said sarcastically.

"So what do you need our help with?" Tasha asked with an eye roll.

"Do you want us to help you take a bath? You reek in case no one has told you yet." Amy said with a smirk.

"Thank you so much for telling me how much I stink, Amy Kim. I definitely didn't notice." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

I'd been too tired to take a bath last night after the excitement of the day and sincerely speaking, I had no idea how I was going to bath with the cast on.

"But that is not the only reason why I called you ladies here today. I need you to help me get revenge on Ant." I said with an evil smile.


"No." Amy and Tasha said at the same time.

"We are not taking revenge on your little brother, Lana." Tasha stated.

"What? Why not?! You never let us do anything fun." Amy complained.

"But he's the reason why I broke my arm." I started. "Do you want the pain I'm going through to be in vain? Doesn't he deserve to be punished for what he did?"

"Remember the amount of pain you went through when you twisted your ankle? This isn't a twisted ankle, Tasha. It's a broken arm and it hurts way way worse than a twisted ankle. Doing this is going to distract me for a little while. Don't you want me to forget the pain for a little while?" I asked.

Tasha looked a little doubtful but I could see I had gotten to her. Time to pull out the big guns.

"Pleaseeeee. We can't do this without you" I said widening my eyes and pulling out my lower lip in a pout.

"Pretty pleaseeeee." Amy joined in, trying to give Tasha puppy dog eyes but ending up looking like a suffocating goat who was choking on food and struggling for air.

"Okay fine." Tasha said with a defeated sigh. "As long you promise never to pull that face again, Amy."

"What? It was cute." Amy said

"More like creepy enough to give you nightmares for weeks." Tasha said with a shiver. The shiver was too dramatic if you ask me. But then again, who was I to complain?

Amy pulled out her tongue at Tasha. I explained to them what the plan was and after getting some tips from Amy, we watched one more YouTube video before starting the operation. This was going to be fun!!!

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