We finally got to school. Luckily we were right on time. I walked into history class with Niall. We made our way to the back of the class. I've always struggled with history, it was never my strong suit. Math on the other hand is. I've always gotten high marks in math. I placed my head down on my desk careful not to bang my eye and fell asleep. I was so tired. I could barely sleep last night.

Of course you never slept Harry you dreamt that Louis kissed you. He would never and you know that.

As I was sleeping my brain was flooded with thoughts.

Do I like Louis?
Could he ever like me back?
Why does he beat me?

Then suddenly an announcement came on asking all year 10s and 12s to make their way down to the auditorium for the big brother/sister programme. I was quite nervous. So I was Niall honestly we was practically shaking. Last time he was like this was when I got us fake IDs to go get tattoos and he chickened out.

We made our way to the auditorium and found a place to sit. As Niall and I looked out towards the stage we saw two of those bingo ball holders. You know the ones that you spin them a bingo ball comes out. I'm guessing they had our names in them. I looked around at everyone. My eyes landed on Louis. I felt my cheeks burn up a bit.

Really Harry?

Louis looked a bit mad and sad. You could tell even when he was smiling. It wasn't the smile he had when he was with his sisters. His beautiful blue eyes didn't shine, they were dull. His eyes didn't crinkle the way they did yesterday and he didn't seem... golden?

Is that the right words to use?

He didn't seem as bright as he was at the shop if that makes sense.

I felt Niall nudge me to grab my attention.

"Looking at pretty boy I see" he whispered

"Shut up" I said

"You know you love me!" He smiled wide. I rolled my eyes. That's when the principal came out on stage with a microphone in hand.

"Good morning year 10s and 12s! Whose ready for the big brother/sister programme!" He said enthusiastically. The audience cheered.

"I would normally make a small speech but we have more students in these years than we did the last time we did this! Once I say you and you mentors name please exit the auditorium!"

He called out a bunch of kids names. This went on for what felt like hours. It was most likely 45 minutes to say the least. Niall had to leave. He got paired with Liam Payne. Who I'm pretty sure is on of Louis' friends

"Harry styles"

Uh oh...

I hope I get a good person.

"And Louis Tomlinson"

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I got up and left the auditorium as fast as I could. I didn't want to talk or see Louis. I didn't know if I would fall harder for Louis or get beat up. And I didn't want to take chances.

"HARRY" he called out. I just kept walking. I didn't know where I was walking to but I turned into the toilets.

"Harry where are you going?" Louis followed me into the toilets.

Nice going Harold now you can't escape

"Harry?" He asked me. I didn't want to make eye contact with him. I knew I was going to blush.. so instead I titled my head towards the floor.

Bruises [L.S]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora