Tying the Loose Ends

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Jaspers' P.O.V.

"I'll read it aloud I guess..." I said as I unfolded the paper again.

'Two dames born from different kin
Shifter-Sisters upon birth
With the coequal strength of countless shifters
Both will bare warrior descendants
Whose combined blood will bring together the power of all the shifters of the world
On their 21st birthday the child will grow into the powers of all
And soon afterwards they will bring two races together.
The child of both the race of magic, and the race of loyalty
Will either destroy the race of dignity or be combined with it.
If all races are combined the truth will be revealed
Even so it must be warned,
That if any of the races are destroyed
The world will become nothing but stone and ashes.'

I looked back up at Sadie feeling my own face grow pale too.

"Do you think this is talking about us?" I asked unsure of what I thought about being in a prophecy.

"I-I mean maybe? I don't know! I never thought we would be in a prophecy. That happens in books and movies! Not in our lives..." Sadie said as she fidgeted with her fingers, while tapping her foot anxiously. I noticed that when she gets nervous her already dancing feet dance more quickly and with a beat.

"Well, we are were-animals, so I mean if that is reality then, it would make sense I guess," I responded.

"Even so, that happens to all the other were-animals that people like to pair together to make a romantic action book or movie, not us!" She said shaking her knee in an up and down motion.

I put my hand on her knee softly, rubbing circles into it to calm her down.

"Come on it can't be that bad..." I said as I gulped down what felt like acid to my throat, "let's talk about this more with my parents, maybe they will know more about this."

I placed a piece of paper into the dairy to to mark our place. We then walked down to my father's office and knocked on his door.

"Dad? Can we come in?"




"Huh?" I said as I gripped the door handle.

"Okay you may come in now" he said after we waited for at least ten minutes

We walked in and looked around for the site that the sound came from. We noticed that my mom was there too. She looked shocked and out of breath. Her face was red in the cheeks and her hair looked a little messed up too. My father on the other hand was on the floor cleaning up what looked like shards of a vase. His hair looked only a little messy but other than that everything he wore was intact.

"Dad, what was that crash all about?" I asked.

"Oh that? That was a stray cat that jumped on the windowsill. Your mother was trying to get it inside so it wouldn't hurt itself but instead it jumped on top of her while she knocked down the vase. It then jumped out the window," He said while smirking and looking at my mother whose face grew even more red.

I narrowed my eyes at him but decided it wasn't worth investigating. "Well we found something about our family history... At least we think we did.," I said as I handed him the book and the translation of the book.

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