Maybe.. Just Maybe...

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Jasper's P.O.V.
"Oh well doesn't this look interesting, right honey?" I heard a voice of arrogance that I recognized immediately.

"Crap! We're caught!" Duke said.

"No duh Sherlock, and don't make this sound like we were caught doing something like that!"

"Hmm? Like what?"

"You know what! Ughh never mind!" I said blushing a little.

All I did was catch her from banging her head on the wall/floor! Come on, give me a break people!

"Oh my! What happened you two!" My mother asked worryingly reaching out for Sadie to grab it. Sadie wiggled out from under me, grabbed my mother's hand looking at her like she was Saint Mother Teresa. I frowned and shivered a little since the space that was where Sadie was now empty and cold. I sat up and thought out my revenge.

"Oh nothing just a small collision with a small but very cute charging rabbit." I said nonchalantly while looking at Sadie who was glaring daggers at me again. I then remembered how her face looked so funny when she rammed into me. Her eyes were closed, her light pink lips were pressed together like a worm, and even after the collision she still had that face. It was cute too, just in her own Sadie way.

I chuckled a little as my father gave me a hand to help me up. Sadie looked at me from behind my mother, confused at what was so funny.


I look at my father, who gave me a smirk, while he led us back to the den, sat down on the sofa and said, "We came to come get you two as we wanted to share some plans with you both."
"W-what kind of plans?" Sadie said as she sat further away from us, in fact it was the chair that was closest to the exit of the den. Interesting...

"Well, Sadie we got to talking with your mother and father, who got off of work early, and they told us what happened to your family." Mom said interrupting my train of thought.

"WHAT!? WHERE IS THAT WOMAN!? SHE TOLD ME TO NEVER TELL ANYONE AND NOW LOOK AT WHAT SHE DOES!" Sadie screamed at the top of her lungs making Duke even whimper a bit. Not that he'll admit that.

*BANG!!* I jumped at the noice and looked to where it came from. It came from my father, who had his fist bang the table to the left of him. I knew he wasn't angry, his eyes would have turned gold if he was, he just wanted Sadie to:
1. Stop screaming
2. Listen
3. With a clear understanding and knowledge of the situation, figure out the next course of action was the smartest to take.

I looked at Sadie who had turned into a stone white statue, with fear in her eyes.

"Order! Order! Order in the room!" My father said jokingly waving his fist in the air like it was the judges mallet, to comfort Sadie. "Lady Sadie, please sit down and listen before breaking your vocal cords, my ears would gladly appreciate it." My father said as Sadie slowly but surely sat down and eased up a bit.

"Now my queen, you may proceed with your story." My father said to my mother who jumped a little at being put out in the open so fast.
Confused as to how to respond to that my mother tries to play along with the game my father set forth, saying, "Umm uh yes my king, Sadie your parents thought that they could trust us for reasons my husband will talk to both of you about later, when the walls don't have ears." I looked at my mother confused but she continued, "The plans we are going to tell you are what your parents think is the best course of action to protect you."

"P-protecting me but what about them? I mean what are t-they going to do? And what do you mean both of us?" Sadie said as tears threatened to fall out of her beautiful brown eyes. I so wanted to hug and comfort her, protect her from all things that would hurt her but I still knew that wasn't wolfing possible.

"Your parents have decided that you will be staying with us for a while. You will be staying in the guest room next to Olive's bedroom. Don't worry about your luggage as we had our servants take them to that room. Also—"My mother was soon interrupted as tons of little feet thumped against the wooden floor.

In came my little siblings, who were obviously listening in on our conversation. They were screaming with joy and jumped on top of Sadie who was surprised at the sudden appearance they had. They were hugging her as my mom finished by saying, "Also it's getting late we should all get to bed."

"Awe man!" My little siblings looked at my mom with pouting faces. "No excuses go to bed already, I will be there to tuck you in a minute." My mother said with her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face as my siblings with their tails between their legs getting off of Sadie and slowly walking to their rooms.

Once my mother heard each and everyone of their doors to their rooms close she resumed in a hushed voice, "We will explain things more tomorrow morning bright and early so I suggest that we all go to bed." Her eyes then looked to the threshold of the den as she smiled and said, "Oh! John, Sarah come on in let me introduce you two!"

John and Sarah both with came in wearing a plan shirt and jeans, that complimented their black hair and green eyes that are unique for Korean heritage. You would never guess they were our head servants and in their 40's.

"Sadie, this is John and Sarah Yung they are our head servants but are basically like family to us. You can ask them for whatever you need. Sarah can you lead Sadie to her room? Oh! Before I forget, Thank you both for gathering up her luggage and putting them in the room!" My mother said happily smiling at them.

"Hello.." Sadie said trying her best not to seem troubled but was failing quite hard at it.

"Hello Sadie, we also know a little bit about your situation. Either way let's get you to bed you must be tired." Sarah said to Sadie as she helped her off the couch.

"Jasper, You go to bed too right now! I mean it!" Sarah said to me acting like the grandmother I never had.

"But-" I protested not wanting to leave Sadie alone for one second.

"No buts go NOW." John said grabbing me by the arm and pulling me up.

"Okay! Okay! I am going! Gezz that hurts!" I said as I grumbled to my room taking one last look at Sadie before I left the Den. Our eyes connected, she looked down blushing for some reason.

Cute.. very cute.. maybe I have a chance now.

I walked into my room, looked in the mirror and then realized..

Just maybe..

This can get better!!
Hey guys I am sooooo sorry for making y'all wait for so long. I really have no excuses for how late I have been. Either way I love you guys thx for supporting me for this long!
Please don't forget to comment it really boosts my energy in writing! XOXO love you all!

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