The Girl For Me

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Jasper's P.O.V.

After Sadie walked out of the room in a storm of lighting and thunder, it was silent again, too silent.

"Well, looks like someone has their underwear in a twi—oof!" my mother elbowed my father before he could finish. He chuckled, as he got up, rubbed his stomach and headed for the kitchen saying, "Well, aren't you all coming?"

My mother got up following him and waved for Sadie's mother to follow. I got up to follow them but my mother gave me a harsh glare. Which basically told me to go somewhere else for the day. I turned around and headed towards the game room knowing better than to disobey my mother.

As i turned the corner that had the game room at the end of that hall, on the other side of the house, I almost bumped into Sadie but slid back right before she saw me. I peeked from behind the corner, seeing that she was starring at my grandmother's picture of her and her best friend, Rose.

My father's cousin, Lisa, had told me that, Rose, lived in the abandoned mansion that we owned next to us until they sold it to us and disappeared without a trace. She said that was when dad was 6 and she was 9, the same year grandma and grandpa were killed.

As I was peeking from behind the corner willing for her to go into the restroom right behind her, so that I could go to the game room I noticed her eyes widen at the picture as if she realized something. Her face then went blank again, showing no sign of emotion except for the single tear that ran down her cheek.

My eyes widened, my finger-nails growing long and sharp gripped the wall, piercing through the wall paper as i gritted my teeth. I did my best from running over there, and hugging her. My heart broke and duke wouldn't calm down. He wanted to tear the photo apart to stop her from crying. The next moment, when she realized she was crying, she rubbed her cheek with her hand, took a deep breath.

On the door to the game room. My sister, Olive had peaked her head out and looked at Sadie with interest and curiosity but once she noticed me her face went into a sly smile. I knew that smile like the back of my hand and I knew she was planning a maze of pranks and ways just to embarrass me. I mouthed at her with gritted teeth she would regret it but she just smirked sneaked behind Sadie and....

Casually talked to her, asked her about some stuff and then dragged her toward my direction. Panicking I quickly opened the closet door next to me and slipped inside. I heard Olive and Sadie's footsteps pass me and head toward the kitchen. Once I knew they were gone, I let go of the breath that I was holding and followed them toward the kitchen.

When I walked to the entrance of the kitchen I stopped and sat in a chair against the wall in the hallway listening to their conversation. I was curious as to why mother moon had chosen Sadie for me. I started to think about the little things Sadie did without evening knowing it which in turn made me realize that this girl...

Is the girl for me.

Hey guys, I AM SO SORRY!!!! High-school has been soo busy for me and i am literally terrible at keeping track with stuff. I hope this chapter was worth the wait, if it wasn't sorry.
Anyways on a better note thanks so much for supporting my first book "My Boss is my Mate!?" I made a few updates to it mostly grammar. Thx for reading and comment more! Love y'all!!! XOXOXOXO!

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