chapter 3

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Dio had trouble finding you after you began to crawl, at first he had left the door open and you crawled away, in the end he found you in the library just crawling around.

You were now in the kitchen trying to reach for some cookies, you lifted yourself up with the help of the chair that was nearby and walked towards the jar that was on the table, suddenly you saw something from the corner of your eye, you turned around and saw the man with the blue hair.

He's always there if you're trying to cause trouble or you need help, he took hold of the jar and set it down next to you and he smiled at you.

You sat down and opened the jar and took out some cookies to eat, you then took a cookie and pointed it towards him, he smiled and shook his head.

"Keep it for you" he said and disappeared.

You looked confused but shrugged it off and ate the cookies, after at least 5 cookies you heard the door open, you looked at the door and saw you father, he sighed in relief and walked up to you.

"You had me worried, I was searching for you everywhere, guess you wanted some cookies after all" he said as he took the jar away from you and you whined.

"You probably had to many cookies" he said and then picked you up.

You layed your head on his shoulder as he walked down the hall, when you both entered the room he set you down on his bed and sat besides you.

"Sometimes you are such a trouble child, since you began to crawl you always disappear, imagine how it'll be when you start to walk" he said as he ruffled your hair.

You soon were asleep and your dad left to continue what he did.

While sleeping you saw a dream, you were standing in the middle of the road, you turned around to look for your dad but when you found him he was dead and an injured boy was standing there glaring at him.

You woke up sobbing and soon Dio bursted into the room, he picked you up and hugged you in an attempt to calm you down.

"Shhh, shhhh, it was just a nightmare" he said as he kissed your head.

"Papa" you said in a trembling voice, it was the first time you called him papa and the first time you talked, he was shocked but happy.

"Yes, papa is here and he'll never leave you alone" he said as he rubbed your back.

After that you didn't let him go, you held his shirt and you didn't let him go.

"(Y/n), sweetheart, papa needs to leave, I'll be back" Dio said but you didn't let him go.

"Guess I'll have to stay with you" he sighed and then called enya.

"With what do you want me to help you Lord Dio?" She asked.

"Go and kill that man I was with, put his blood in a cup and bring it here" he said and enya left.

Dio sat down and looked at you.

"You must have had a really bad nightmare to the part you won't let me go" he said as he rubbed your back.

"P-papa" you said as you cried again.

"I'm not going to leave you alone so don't you cry" he said as he brought you to eye level.

"You can see that I'm here, so don't cry" he said as he kissed your cheek.

"Lord Dio I brought what you asked" enya said.

"Bring it here" he said.

Enya gave him the cup and she left, you tried to reach for the cup but Dio stopped you.

"That's not for you, that's for papa" he said and he drunk it.

The next day Dio was still holding you close while you slept.

"I wonder what was the nightmare you saw" he said as he caressed your head.

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