Chapter 16

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For the rest of the day Joseph asked you about the meanings of some words and you told him, he then gave you a paper to write something he told you and you wrote it, without making grammar mistakes and your handwriting was pretty.

Jonathan at one point heard Joseph freaking out and decided to check if everything was ok.

"is everything alright?" he asked and Joseph looked at him.

"(y/n) is a genius!!! She knows words that I don't even know and she can write with a handwriting that's even better than mine!! And she's only four!!!" he said and Jonathan laughed.

"I knew that already" he said.

Soon enough Jotaro came back from school with kakyoin and they saw you with a pen in hand and Joseph looking at the paper wide eyed.

"is everything ok?" kakyoin asked.

Joseph took the paper and held it out to them.

"I swear this is a miracle child" Joseph said.

"she wrote all these?" kakyoin asked as he looked shocked at the paper

"might as well let her do my homework" Jotaro said and he earned a glare from Jonathan who was still there.

"you're not gonna use her like that" Jonathan said and Jotaro looked away.

"did dio teach her all that?" kakyoin whispered and Joseph nodded.

You looked at Jonathan and got up.

"can we go outside?" you asked and he nodded.

The both of you went outside and walked around.

"make sure to not sit down, there's mud everywhere and you're still in your pajamas, you don't want to get them dirty" he said and you nodded.

You carefully walked around and looked at the flowers, you also noticed some snails.

Kakyoin walked outside and came up next to you.

"they are beautiful flowers don't you think so?" he asked and you nodded.

"oh, there's also some snails" he said.

"did you know if you pet a snails shell that they'll feel it? Their shells have nerves" you said.

"that's one useful fact, I always liked snails" he said as he started petting the snails and you did the same.

"both of you get in, dinners ready" Jotaro said.

"wait, me too?" kakyoin asked and Jotaro nodded.

"the old man told my mom to put an extra plate for you, since he's leaving tomorrow" he said and he started walking away.

When you guys went to the kitchen you were greeted with the smell of fresh homemade food.

You sat down and kakyoin sat besides you.

You all ate and talked, well, the others talked, you just ate silently.

After a while kakyoin left and you guys started doing your own things.

The next day you woke up by Jonathan shaking you.

"wake up, they're going to leave soon" he said and you got up, you quickly got dressed and left the room.

You got to the main room and saw them all hugging each other.

"oh, and here I thought I had to leave and not say goodbye to you" suzie said and came up to you and hugged you.

"I'm going to miss you" she said as she hugged you tight.

She let go and you could breath normally.

"aww, I want to hug you as well" Joseph said.

"if you promise to not fart" you said and he blushed from embarrassment.

"ok I promise" he said and he hugged you.

He then let you go and got up.

"when we'll come over again we'll bring you something" he said and you nodded.

They then left, the house somewhat now felt empty, you already missed them.

"oh, Jotaro I forgot to tell you, your father is coming tomorrow from his tour" Holly said and Jotaro 'tched'.

Holly left for her room and you sat with Jotaro.

"you don't like your dad?" you asked and he looked at you.

"he's always absent, why would I like him" he said

"papa was absent sometimes as well but I wad my friend, he can keep you company as well if you want" you said and he looked at you.

"sometimes you can't understand what I mean" he said.

Soon holly walked into the room and looked at the both of you.

"Jotaro? Since you don't have school today why don't you take (y/n) on a walk and show her around?" he groaned and got up.

"fine" he said, you got up and the both of you left.

You held onto the edge of his jacket as you both walked, you looked around, at shops, people, the trees, that was until you heard some girls screaming and coming your way.

The girls soon swarmed around Jotaro and they pushed you away.

"Jojo! You're so cool!!"

"let's go on a date!!"

"no!! Go on a date with me!!"

"Jojo! You're so handsome!!!!"

Jonathan appeared and shook his head, he kneeled down next you and and whispered something into your ear, you nodded, he then disappeared.

You pushed your way to Jotaro, you even bit some of them and kicked them.

"why's that little brat here!?" a girl said and they all started agreeing.

"what you're doing is not nice!! You are invading his personal space and he clearly doesn't like that!!! Now leave him Alone!" you said as you grabbed the end of his jacket and started dragging him away, leaving the girls shocked

"what just happened?" one of them asked as they watched you and Jotaro walking away.

When you were out of their sight you let his jacket and he looked at you.

"what was that?" he asked.

"I didn't like how they treated you, it wasn't nice, so with the help of my friend I did what I did and now we're here" you said.

"and what did you do?" he asked

"I pushed my way through, maybe I scratched them and bit them because they wouldn't move" you said.

He lightly chuckled and looked at you.

"might as well take you with me sometimes to scare them away" he said as he began walking and you followed him.

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