I couldn't help it- he's too cute. His ears twitched a lot, perking up when something startling happened and flicking when he was confused. Whenever there was a sudden, loud noise- his ears would flatten and blend in with his hair.

When is it gonna be over? I honestly just wanna kiss him.

As soon as I thought this, I remembered what he told me last week. Has Kyler kissed him? It was mostly curiosity, but I wanted to ask him what they actually did. We didn't have sex, he said. So they definitely did something.

Ugh, how did Chet manage to get Kyler in his bed when I can't even send him a casual text first. I wanna be in his bed too, I thought sulkily.

Though, after I had fallen asleep on facetime that one night and woke up to a text from Kyler, we'd been talking more. It had slowly moved away from texting about Lucas to more casual texts, even if he's the one initiating it.

I didn't think it was that necessary for Chet to tell me if they had sex or not. He's definitely cute and my type, so I could see us being something in the future, but I've still only known him for two weeks. What he did in his private time didn't really concern me.

But, as I thought about it more, I felt grateful that he did. If we were to start dating in the future, would Kyler be a problem? Chet said he asked Kyler for help so I'm assuming Kyler didn't seek him out for sex, but he didn't say no either.

Could Kyler be interested in him? Chet definitely thought the sun shined out of his ass but I wasn't sure what Kyler thought about him. And they're roommates, they're about to start working together, and they train together.

So yeah, as I thought about it more, I was grateful he told me.

Still, I felt it was necessary to tell him we weren't dating yet. I didn't expect him to get so visibly upset after I said this. I'm sure he knew we weren't dating so why was he so upset? I still wasn't sure why.

Chet's clingy. I noticed it the first night we met. It wasn't a bad clingy, it was cute even, but it was a lot for us just meeting.

Sometimes I thought he was just like that, overly friendly and always wanting to talk, but I noticed he's only been like this towards me, Kyler being an exception to this.

I didn't mind how he always wanted to talk to me, it was reassuring that he liked me so much, but I was surprised how much he liked me already. Especially for just finding out he likes guys too. I thought he'd be more hesitant liking a guy for the first time but he was diving in head first.

But he's cute, so I didn't mind how quickly I've grown on him. He's growing on me too.

If he hadn't told me what he did with Kyler, I wouldn't have even thought about trying to get him my bed already. I thought he'd want to wait and do something sexual for when he was in a relationship, but I guess I was wrong.

Why Kyler though? Is it not messy to fuck around with your roommate and trainer? Is that not something that can get him fired?

But as I thought about hot Kyler was, I understood. I'd jump at the opportunity too.

Fuck- why did they both have to be exactly my type. Big guys are so cute, I just wanna sit on their face all day long. The urge to ride their dick into the sunset was big, so big that I might just try to do it.

If Chet wasn't- maybe?- interested in Kyler and Kyler wasn't his roommate, I'd definitely fuck him. God himself could not stop me from fucking a man that good looking.

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