With a new sense of urgency, I thrust my arm up towards the medical bag, only holding myself up by my right arm. My fingertips graze the side of it, almost there... almost-!

I manage to barely grab the corner as my right arm gives out and I tumble to the floor, letting out a sharp gasp as I land on my leg, bright white spots flashing behind my eyelids from the pain. Red blooms all over my make-shift bandages, and I grit my teeth and squint my eyes shut while I wait for the pain to subside, holding my leg gingerly.

When it stops throbbing I open the bag with shaky hands and rifle through it for the bandages, deciding to bandage myself right then and there in the middle of the hallway since Kiri's not home yet.

I remove the toilet paper wrappings and bloody gauze pads to find the sight worse than I remember... These are definitely going to leave some nasty scars. I quickly put some cleansing spray stuff on them and pile on more fresh gauze pads, before using almost the entire roll of bandages to wrap around my legs, thigh to mid-calf. I lean back against the wall and take a deep breath, feeling queasy and dizzy still. It probably doesn't help that I haven't eaten anything in almost three days now.

Shit. Has it really been that long?... I put a hand against my stomach. I don't think I've lost any weight, I'll just have to eat something today... But the thought of eating just feels kind of disgusting. It's not like I have an eating disorder or anything so I think I'll be fine though. I'll force myself if I have to, and Kirishima would be worried if I didn't.



Fuck fuck fuck! I have to clean up before he gets back! I hurriedly wrap an extra layer of bandages tightly around the first one so that no blood leaks through; I should be fine if I try not to move too much. I put the medical bag back on the shelf (lower) and make my way back to the bathroom, wincing. Shittttt there's way more blood than I remember. I turn on the shower and grab a towel, scrubbing at the floor, and barely manage to clean everything before I hear footsteps outside the front door and the jingling of keys.

SHIT SHIT SHIT I pull on my pants with great difficulty, clenching my teeth as I drag myself into his bedroom, just making it as I hear the door open, and his cheery voice chirping a "hello!".

GOD DAMN IT LEGS, WORK!! I try to pull myself into the bed, that way I won't have to try and stand up when he comes in. I fall back onto the floor though, my muscles weak and my vision blurry. At the loud "thump" I hear him say, "Bakugou?" with a worry tinting his voice.


I try again, managing to roll under the covers as he walks in carrying a cup of coffee.

"What happened? I heard a noise." He says with a small laugh, walking closer and setting the coffee down on the table beside the bed before sitting down next to me.

I nervously laugh, "Uhh, it was just the..." I scan the room for something that could've fallen. "The..."

A confused worried look crosses his face.

"The bed! I moved and it, uh... banged against the side table." I say. I've never been the best at making up something on the spot, and it seems a little suspicious... But I feel good about what I came up with until I see it.

The red mark on the floor.

Damn it! I must've tied the fucking bandages too tight, fuck fuck fuck FUCK!

I feel wetness slowly seeping through my pants on thighs under the blankets, and clench my teeth, struggling to keep my expression impassive.

He must notice the minuscule flash of panic that flashes over my face though and turns to look before I can stop him.

An Unreasonable Amount of Pilots: A KiriBaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now