36. memory "drowning"

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Just a reminder to please not be a silent reader please:) I would love to hear all you guys's opinions on this story. Thank you:))

When I tried to open my eyes again I saw and felt the person laying me down on a bed. My vision was more clear now but still couldn't really make out who the people were around me.

My ears were exploding, my eyes felt like they were on fire, and my body felt like it hasn't slept in days.

I saw 2 woman around me.. 2 guys and a girl. As the woman talked to one guy I tried to focus but nothing.

"How long was she out for?" A woman's voice went through my ears. "She was under water for about 7 and a half minutes... and was out for about 10 minutes.." the same deep voice spoke.

"I-I couldn't get the ring ankles so-so... it took me a while" the guy seems tired through his voice.

He seemed like he was trying to breathe.

"Ok buddy, you need to step out after this okay?" The woman sweetly spoke. If she was speaking that sweetly to Dayven that Dayven prolly promise himself he would never step foot into another school nurses office again.

"When you got her out did anyone gave her CPR?" Another woman spoke and I couldn't hear anymore because they put a shot in my arm.
Suddenly I got woken up because the light was so bright. My head hurt so bad. Like so bad I couldn't even move it. "Wake up drowning fish" I heard what I believe was Emily's voice.

I didn't know what was going on. What happened?

Suddenly everything kicked in after I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling... I fell in!

I fell in the pool! I almost diiied!

As soon as those kicked in I sat up so fast as I yelled "I DROWNED" and I heard Emily's laugh.

Jackie and Alex entered their room while laughing too. "Ya fishy you almost did" Alex answered. "But you missed the best part cutie" Jackie smiled so big and sus.

I looked at her confused when Emily went "she doesn't remember but when she does... oh boy" and they all laughed through the inside joke. I felt so left out but my head was hurting so bad so I put my head under my pillow when Jackie gave me two pills to take.

As I took the pills and was drinking water for them to go down my throat, all 4 boys entered and closed the door immediately.

"Oh GUYSSSS.. if her mom finds out that all of us are in here she'll kill us one by one" Alex cried when Alexis went "then we won't talk super loudly"

David, Cameron, and Dayven nodded their head.

The second Alexis came in he just jumped on my bed and went to sleep.

This boy sleeps on my bed all the fucking time.

I looked at David and he had the same stupid face as ever...

Always looking annoyed and never smiling.

and he went to sit next to Emily. Ofc.

Alex was sitting at the end of the bed next to my feet but my feet were under the blanket. And Cameron was next to Dayven.. leaning against the wall.

Cameron had a face on I couldn't read but Dayven looked at me once then smirked and looked down.

Did something happen? What's wrong with him? Why can't he look at me? He was also biting his lip so that was very weird. Maybe he hit his head?!!

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