17. Grey comes with dark lost forests

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I followed Emily's steps once I realized I was behind after looking away.

Took my jacket off to reveal my long sleeved swimsuit.

We had two options and I have both. A swimsuit without sleeves or one with long sleeves.

Today I was too cold to wear the first options so the second one was it.

Put my jacket on the bunch and walked over to the side of the pool as my legs screamed not to do it but the coach starting counting so shut my eyes hard and bit my bottom lip forcing my entire body in.

"If y'all could please take out your swim caps for today that would be great."

The second the coach let that out the students started complaining but it was a plus for me because now I had a reason to take out my hair and be comfortable.

My brain is always beating me into not letting my hair out because I don't have a good reason but now... I'm very comfortable and my head feels relieved.

My curls fell down my back as wall as in front of my face and everything was sticking to me.

My hair felt warm but everywhere before my arms took control and flip everything back.

My eyes met the same ones I met 5 minutes ago and he gave me a small smile as he went to the line 2 lines away from mine.

Its strange how he looks familiar.

"He's got your eye" Jackie whispered after he dived in.

"Fuck no" I backed away.
"Oh come on. I need a reason not to be into him. I can't choose. Light skin gorgeous grey eyes or gorgeous grey dark eyes with straight hair?"

"At least you have options" I eyed her.

"Clueless bitch" she rolled her eyes at me before diving in. And so did I.

Come on, Wavily.
30 more minutes.
Only 30 left.
You got past 2 hours. Only 30 left.

"Alright... go put your ankle-rings on and you have 30 minutes with it.. do some of the workouts I wrote on these papers"
The coach pointed at some areas of the wall where the papers were.

He wasn't talking to us but we could hear how he was asking the other coach if she could explain the things to the new guy.

Fuck.. I hate workouts, and especially when we have our ankle rings on.

As if our bodies aren't tired enough. Heavy enough.

Yet here these shits who literally weight half of you.

'no we need to wear them because we need to learn how to get used to be sucked underwater onto the hard floor before you even try to practice in the water'

Basically these ankle rings help you practice and get used to being underwater while outside. On the ground practicing. We just wear it for like 30 minutes outside then we go in the water and when we do we usually just go to the bottom (because sometimes we practice dying, too. They need to make sure we're used to being held down after jumping in) and we don't freak out bc we are gonna be 'used' to our ankles being so heavy. If we didn't wear them before going in the water we would freak out when we do because we wouldn't be used to it. I mean it works but it's just annoying.

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